Sunday, February 26, 2017

RACE AND RACISM – Some Concepts Defined

Despite adamant claims to the contrary, racism continues to plague many peoples around the world. The first step toward resolving issues of racial intolerance and prejudice is to develop an understanding of the underlying concepts and their labels.

This (rather long) article touches on the following topics:

Stereotypes, Race, and Racism 
Culture and Cultural Imperialism 
Nationalism and National Imaginary 

I hope you find this article helpful.

According to Stroebe and Insko (1989), the term 'stereoptype' originated in 1798 to describe a printing process that involved casts of pages of type. The term was first used in relation to the social and political arena in 1922 by Walter Lippman, referring to our perception of different groups. 

Irish-stereotypes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Since then, the meaning of the term has been vigorously debated. Stereotyping was considered by some as the oversimplified, biased cognitive representations of "undesirable rigidity, permanence, and lack of variability from application to application" (ibid, 1989, p.4). Others, such as Brown (1965), considered it a natural fact of life like any other generalisation; "many generalisations acquired by heresay are true and useful" (cited in Stroebe & Insko, 1989, p.5). 

Stroebe and Insko (1989) settle on a simple definition which sits somewhere in between these two schools of thought. They define a stereotype as the “set of beliefs about the personal attributes of a group of people" (p.5). They obviously accept that stereotypes are not necessarily rigid, permanent, or invariable, but they do still distinguish between stereotypes and other categories, claiming that stereotypes are characterised by a bias towards the ingroup and away from the outgroup (p.5). 

Yzerbyt, et al (1997) attempt to explain the existence of stereotypes, suggesting that stereotypes provide not only a set of (often unjustified) attributes to describe a group, but also a rationale for maintaining that set of attributes. This allows people to “integrate incoming information according to their specific views” (p.21). 

When used in everyday speech in relation to multiculturalism, the term ‘race’ has come to mean any of the following:

nationality (geographically determined) - e.g. the Italian race 
ethnicity (culturally determined, sometimes in combination with geography) - e.g. the Italian race 
skin colour - e.g. the white race 

The common usage of ‘race’ is problematic because it is esoteric, and because it implies what Bell (1986) calls “biological certainty” (p.29). When we talk about race, there is always a common understanding that we are also talking about common genetic characteristics that are passed from generation to generation. The concept of nationality is generally not so heavily tarred with the genetics brush. Likewise, ethnicity allows for, and gives equal weight to, causes other than genetics; race does not. Skin colour is just a description of physical appearance; race is not. The concept of race may masquerade as a mere substitution for these terms, but in actual fact, it is a reconstruction. 

Further, there is the question of degree. Are you black if you had a black grandmother? Are you black if you grew up in a black neighbourhood? Are you black sometimes, but not others? Who makes these decisions?

Having established the problems associated with the term ‘race’, we can now discuss how these problems contribute to issues of racism.

Jakubowicz et al (1994) define racism as “the set of values and behaviours associated with groups of people in conflict over physical appearances, genealogy, or cultural differences. It contains an intellectual/ideological framework of explanation, a negative orientation towards ‘the Other’, and a commitment to a set of actions that put these values into practice.” (p.27)

What this definition fails to address is the framework of explanation. Perhaps it should say “…framework of explanation based on various notions of race and racial stereotypes…”. This would bring us back to our discussion of the concept of race. 

Because race is almost impossible to define, racial stereotypes are even more inappropriate than other kinds of stereotypes. Racism is an infuriating phenomenon because, irrespective of this, behaviour is still explained, and actions are still performed, based on these racial categorisations. 

“Culture” is a term we’re all familiar with, but what does it mean? Does it reflect your nationality? Does it reflect your race? Does it reflect your colour, your accent, your social group? 

Kress (1988) defines culture as “the domain of meaningful human activity and of its effects and resultant objects” (p.2). This definition is very broad, and not particularly meaningful unless analysed in context. Lull (1995) talks of culture as “a complex and dynamic ecology of people, things, world views, activities, and settings that fundamentally endures but is also changed in routine communication and social interaction. Culture is context.” (p.66) 

As with other categorisation techniques, however, cultural labels are inherently innaccurate when applied at the individual level. No society is comprised of a single culture only. There are multitudes of sub-cultures which form due to different living conditions, places of birth, upbringing, etc. The concept of culture is useful because it differentiates between different groups of people on the basis of learned characteristics rather than genetic characteristics. It “implies that no culture is inherently superior to any other and that cultural richness by no means derives from economic standing” (Lull, 1995, p.66).

This last may be one reason behind the so-called “intellectual aversion to the idea of culture” (Carey, 1989, p.19) that has been encounted in America (probably the West in general, and, I would say, definitely in Australia). Other reasons suggested are individualism, Puratinism, and the isolation of science from culture.

Cultural Imperialism
In 1971, Johan Galtung published a landmark paper called “A Structural Theory of Imperialism”. Galtung conceptualises the world as a system of centres and peripheries in which the centres exploit the peripheries by extracting raw materials, processing these materials, and selling the processed products back to the peripheries. Because the processed goods are bought at a far greater cost than the raw materials, the periphery finds it extremely difficult to find enough capital to develop the infrastructure necessary to process its own raw materials. Therefore, it is always running at a loss. 

Galtung’s model is not limited to the trade of raw materials such as coal, metals, oil, etc. To the contrary, it is designed to incorporate the transformation of any raw value (such as natural disasters, violence, death, cultural difference) into a valuable processed product (such as a news story, or a tourism industry).

Galtung’s approach is inherently problematic, however, because it superimposes a centre-periphery relationship onto a world where no such relationship actually physically exists. In other words, it is a model which attempts to make sense of the intricate relationships between cultures, but by the very fact that it is a model, it is limiting. Admittedly, all theories are necessarily models, or constructions, of reality, but Galtung’s is potentially harmful because:

a) it positions underdeveloped countries and their cultures in the periphery. In order for such countries/cultures to try to change their position, they must first acknowledge their position as peripheral; and

b) it implies that the world will always contain imperialistic centre-periphery relationships; “A Centre country may slip into the Periphery, and vice versa” (Galtung &Vincent, 1992, p.49), but no allowance is made for the possibility of a world without imperialism. Therefore, if a country/culture wishes to change its position it must become an imperialistic centre.

In recent times, the term ‘Cultural Imperialism’ has come to mean the cultural effects of Galtung’s imperialism, rather than the process of imperialism as he sees it. For example, Mowlana (1997) argues that cultural imperialism occurs when “the dominant center overwhelms the underdeveloped peripheries, stimulating rapid and unorganized cultural and social change (Westernization), which is arguably detrimental” (p.142). 

The issue of language decline due to imbalances in media structures and flow is often claimed to be the result of cultural imperialism. Browne (1996) theorises that 
“the rapid rise of the electronic media during the twentieth century, along with their dominance by the majority culture, have posed a tremendous challenge to the continuing integrity, and even the very existence, of indigenous minority languages… (p.60)” 
He suggests that indiginous languages decline because:

new indigenous terminology takes longer to be devised, and may be more difficult to use, thus ‘majority’ terminology tends to be used; 
media monopolies have historically determined acceptable language usage; 
schools have historically promoted the use of the ‘majority’ language; 
indigenous populations around the world tend to rely quite heavily on electronic media because they have greater literacy problems. As a result, they are more heavily influenced by the ‘majority’ language than they realise; 
the electronic media are inappropriate for communication in many indigenous languages because many such languages employ pauses as signs, and the electronic media remove pauses because they are regarded as “time wasted and as an indication of lack of professionalism” (Browne, p.61); and 
television reinforces majority culture visual conventions, such as direct eye contact.

Similarly, Wardhaugh (1987) discusses how the majority of medical and scientific articles are published in English. “While English does not completely monopolize the scientific literature, it is difficult to understand how a scientist who cannot read English can hope to keep up with current scientific activity.” (p.136) More books are published in English than any other language, and 

“much of higher education in the world is carried out in English or requires some knowledge of English, and the educational systems of many countries acknowledge that students should be given some instruction in English if they are to be adequately prepared to meet the needs of the late twentieth century.”
(Wardhaugh, 1987, p.137)

There are definitely uncounted instances of one culture suffering at the hands of another, but there are still problems with explaining this in terms of Cultural Imperialism. In addition to those outlined above with relation to Galtung, there are a number of other problems. The Cultural Imperialism approach:

does not allow for the appropriation or select cultural values by the ‘minority’ culture in order to empower, or in some other way, benefit, that culture; 

presupposes some degree of natural change, it does not discuss where the line between natural change and imperialism can be drawn. (When is the change a necessary part of the compromise of living in a multicultural society?); and 

overlooks the changes to ‘dominant’ cultures which necessarily occur as it learns about the ‘subordinate’ culture. 

Atal (1997) asserts that “[f]orces of change, impinging from the outside, have not succeeded in transforming the [non-West] cultures into look-alike societies. Cultures have shown their resilience and have survived the onslaught of technological changes.” (p.24) Robertson (1994) talks of Glocalisation, with the local being seen as an aspect of the global, not as its opposite. For example, we can see “the construction of increasingly differentiated consumers… To put it very simply, diversity sells” (p.37). It is his contention that “we should not equate the communicative and interactive connecting of… cultures with the notion of homogenisation of all cultures” (p.39).

This article does not suggest that we should be complacent about the effects cultures may have on each other. Rather, it suggests Cultural Imperialism is somewhat flawed as a tool for cultural and social criticism and change. Instead, each problem should be identified as an individual problem, not as a part of an overall phenomenon called cultural imperialism.

In his discussion of culture and identity, Singer (1987) argues that nationalism is a relatively modern phenomenon which started with the French and American revolutions. Singer asserts that “[a]s the number and importance of identity groups that individuals share rise, the more likely they are to have a higher degree of group identity” (p.43). Using this premise, he suggests that nationalism is a very powerful identity because it combines a host of other identities, such as “language, ethnicity, religion, and long-shared historic memory as one people attached to a particular piece of land” (p.51). 

It’s not surprising then, that Microsoft’s Encarta Online (1998) defines nationalism as a “movement in which the nation-state is regarded as the most important force for the realization of social, economic, and cultural aspirations of a people.”

National “imaginary”
Anne Hamilton (1990) defines national imaginary as 

“the means by which contemporary social orders are able to produce not merely images of themselves but images of themselves against others. An image of the self implies at once an image of another, against which it can be distinguished (p.16)”

She argues that it can be conceptualised as looking in a mirror and thinking we see someone else. By this, she means that a social order transplants its own (particularly bad) traits onto another social group. In this way, the social order can view itself in a positive way, serving to “unite the collectivity and maintain its sense of cohesion against outsiders” (Hamilton, 1990, p.16).

It seems, however, that the process can also work in the reverse direction. Hamilton suggests that in the case of Australia, there is a lack of images of the self. She asserts that the social order has appropriated aspects of Aboriginal culture as a result. In terms of the mirror analogy, this would be the self looking at another and thinking it sees itself.

Atal, Y., (1997) “One World, Multiple Centres” in Media & politics in transition: cultural identity in the age of globalization, ED. Servaes, J., & Lie, R., (pp.19-28), Belgium: Uitgeverij Acco.

Bell, P., (1986) “Race, Ethnicity: Meanings and Media”, in Multicultural Societies, ED. Bell, R., (pp.26-36).

Browne, D.R., (1996) Electronic Media and Indigenous Peoples, Ames: Iowa State University Press.

Galtung, J., (1971) “A Structural Theory of Imperialism” in Journal of Peace Research (8:2, pp.81-117).

Galtung, J., & Vincent, R.C. (1992) Global Glasnost, Hamptom Press, USA.

Hamilton, A., (1990) “Fear and Desire: Aborigines, Asians and the National Imaginary” in Australian Perceptions of Asia (No.9, pp.14-35).

Jakubowicz, A., Goodall, H., Martin, J., Mitchell, T., Randall, L., & Seneviratne, K. (1994) Racism, Ethnicity and the Media, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, Australia.

Kress, G., (1989) Communication and Culture: An Introduction, New South Wales University Press, Australia.

Lull, J., (1995) Media, Communication, Culture: A Global Approach. Polity Press.

Mowlana, H., (1997) Global Information and World Communication: New Frontiers in International Relations, Sage Publications Ltd.

Robertson, R., (1994) “Glocalisation” in The Journal of International Communication, 1,1, (pp.32-52).

Singer, M.R., (1987) Intercultural Communication: A Perceptual Approach, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 

Stroebe, W., & Insko, C..A., (1989) “Stereotype, Prejudice, and Discrimination: Changing Conceptions in Theory and Research” in Stereotyping and Prejudice: Changing Conceptions, ED. Bar-Tal, D., Graumann, C.F., Kruglanski, A.W., Stroebe, W., (pp.3-34), Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Wardhaugh, R., (1987), Languages in Competition: Dominance, Diversity, and Decline, Basil Blackwell Ltd., Oxford, UK.

Yzerbyt, V., Rocher, S., & Schadron, G., (1997) “Stereotypes as Explanations: A Subjective Essentialistic View of Group Perception” in The Social Psychology of Stereotyping and Group Life, ED. Spears, R., Oakes, P.J., Ellemers, N., & Haslam, S.A., (pp.20-50), Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

BURGLAR ALARM and Home Security System, A Necessity in Every Home

English: Picture of a burglar alarm detection ...
Picture of a burglar alarm detection point.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The world today is very much different from it was many years ago. People are already divided into several classes, depending on their way of life and how much money they are making. And this is one main reason why there are many crimes spreading in any part of the world.

Robbery, burglaries, you name it and it's all over the newspapers. No one is exempted from these crimes, and the least possible thing that many people can do is to protect themselves, their families. This is probably the time for you to have a home security system; and the burglar alarm is the most common device for this job.

You may have second thoughts about getting a home security system; well you don’t need to think twice. The time to act is now, especially with all the crimes going about in almost any community. You don’t want to put your family's life at stake.

A very good way to protect your homes and your families is through a home security system. Once you have this alarm, burglars and/or robbers will hesitate to enter your homes. 

Compared to burglar alarms a few years back, home security systems nowadays are highly advanced and more sophisticated. These gadgets are especially designed to protect your homes from any harm or threats.

Ever wondered how burglar alarms work? Well, it usually has control units and interconnected sensors. That is why it can detect burglary, fire, or any intrusion in your home's premises. Oftentimes, alarm systems range from the noisemakers to the more complex ones. Once the system detects intrusion, the home security system will send a signal either to the local police or to the monitoring company. In case of fire, the system will signal the home occupants and the fire department.

Security should never be compromised, and that is the central concept for which these home security systems evolve. Sometimes, chains, padlocks, or even fences just aren't enough, because even burglars nowadays use sophisticated gadgets to break into your homes.

Your home will be completely safe from any untoward incidents because it is monitored by the company. So make sure that you get a home security system that will effectively protect your home and family anytime of the day, whether you're at home or not.

Burglar alarms and home security systems are very useful, and it comes with a cost. However, the cost is nothing compared to the protection it can give to you and your family, as well as your home. 

Burglars and robbers love the dark night. And if your alarm works effectively, these burglars and robbers will be scared even to set foot on your yard unless they want to be caught red handed. 

If you installed a burglar alarm and you have a dependable home security system, there is nothing to worry about and you can sleep comfortably. The would-be burglars or robbers will just pass by your house and will look for other places to commit their crimes. 

Some crimes go unpunished, and you don’t want to fall victim to these burglars or robbers. Protect your home and family through burglar alarms and home security system. It is a necessity, and not a luxury. Fight crime, you must be aware of your options in protecting your family.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Why COMIC BOOKS Are Important

Comic books are important because they represent a segment of the population that like to fantasize that they can escape the hardship of everyday life. In comic books they can be the hero, the nemesis, or a third party that may or may not become pivotal in the end.

Cover scan of a comic book.
Cover scan of a comic book. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A person may identify with a certain character because the personality the superhero or villain embodies what the person visualizes, or identifies with. Comic books are important because the scenarios that the people face exhibit situations where confrontation isn't necessarily the only answer. The quandaries faced enable a person to see a situation and how it is dealt with. Comic books allow people to create their own versions and see how different scenarios are played out, which can result in new ways of defusing stressful situations. It may permit a person to see situations in life differently and hence; think outside the box when warranted.

Comic books are important because the venue in which they are supplied is an alternative to regular book reading. They are shorter in length so a person who is more visual will get additional enjoyment out of a forty-eight page comic book versus a short story or a novel. It would be less time consuming and allow the reader to engage in other activities. Time management and comic books are synonymous in the vein of everyday life. People seem to have little time to read. The busy lifestyle, the children's needs, all those requirements play a role in time constraints. Comic books offer a solution to the active person. The reader is limited in time so he or she must be enthralled immediately to gain full attention. Once the reader immerses himself or herself, the ambiance changes. He or she is thrust into an unknown situation that demands total attention. The plot thickens and the hero is cast in circumstances that demand a resolution. The confrontation ensues and against seemingly impossible odds, the hero finds an answer in an unlikely place or person. Once the comic book is finished being read, very little time had elapsed.

Yet the reading of the comic book doesn't end there. The reader now has time to dwell on what transpired, what could have been done, what should have been done and a myriad of other possible outcomes. That can be done while daydreaming or at a quiet time when you're alone.

The significance of contemplating the different endings of a comic book induces thought. The what if landscape could produce an unexpected epiphany. It might help with a problem that had eluded you and the answer to your dilemma was spelled out. You might have to apply it differently than the comic book did, but the answer could have been contained within the story.

Comic books are important because people need them for an outlet. It channels our thoughts to construct a better picture of how we need heroes to behave, and what limits we set upon them to handle crisis that inevitably happens. 

You could argue that delving into the importance of comic books is inane. But looking at the bigger picture and what comic books represent, I would argue the reciprocal.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Exploring the History of CRIMINOLOGY

To many people interested in the roots and origin of Criminology, Lombroso is considered to be the father of the science, meaning that he explored it and examined it from many angles in order to expose it.  It was first used by a law professor in Italy, Raffaele Garofalo, who actually used the Italian term for the word, criminologia.  A French anthropologist also used the term around the same time as Garofalo, who referred to the term as criminology.  

Three women in the pillory, China, Anonymous, ...
Three women in the pillory, China, Anonymous, c.1875 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are some who believe that it is possible that the study of bumps on an individual’s skull, referred to as Phrenology, is a better mark of representation when it comes to the scientific origins of the term.  Lombroso is considered to be the father of criminology because of the many advances that he attempted to make in the field.  If not for him, criminology might not be as developed as it is today. 

Over time, many different theories were composed as to what caused criminal behavior.  These theories have their roots in biology, psychology, and society, to name a few.  Over time, by using these foundations for new theories, different schools of thought began to emerge.  Through these different schools of thought, the theoretical science of the criminal element could be rationalized.  Individuals often debate in order to attempt to define the reason for crime, so that it may then be eliminated by solving the problem of what causes crime.  By identifying and responding to the motivator for crime and deviant behavior, more effective measures of social control could be put into action.  Currently, we are able to take care of the symptoms of crime.  For example, we have police officers who catch criminals.  When found guilty by a panel of their own peers, the criminal will go to jail.  That takes the criminal out of society.  However, there are new criminals emerging every day.  We have learned to treat the symptoms, the individual criminals, but we have not yet been able to determine the instigating factor in these developments.  

Throughout the history of criminology, this is the main goal of the science.  Since it is a theoretical science, all of the theories that correspond to the topic cannot immediately be proven as accurate or inaccurate, merely theoretical.  However, the continuous effort of individuals to idealize the workings of the individual and society have been transformed and re-defined since the beginning use of the term.  If the history of criminology shows us anything, it is that the human nature to establish right from wrong and the differences between individuals distinguishing the difference is virtually a timeless theme, at least since its birth.

By continuously researching and documenting the variables and changes within society and crime, people who are interested in criminology can line up the theories with the established facts.  After this is done, it is possible to sit down and analyze the coinciding factors in order to determine the best course of action when it comes to evolving society so as to limit crime and intolerance as much as possible.  

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

What is the Safest Seat in an AIRPLANE?

Unbroken seal on the emergency exit door of a ...
Unbroken seal on the emergency exit door of a passenger airplane 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A question often asked by anxious airplane passengers is this: What is the safest seat in an airplane? The answer: none. Because accidents can erupt at any spot within the aircraft.

Some people are of the opinion that the nearer one is seated to an emergency exit, the safer one is. Sadly, that is not absolutely true. A fire can start near the emergency exit as in any place within the plane. And if the emergency exit is jammed, then the person sitting nearest it is in as much of the same fix as the one sitting farthest from it.

Regardless of where the passenger is seated inside the aircraft, the risks to one’s safety is greatly minimized by one thing above all else: by being alert and aware of one’s surroundings.

Being alert means being watchful and attentive. Note the location of all exits. Listen to all pre-flight and in-flight instructions. Do not drink too much. Use common sense and try not to do anything that will be detrimental to your own safety, as well as to that of others, such as having too many or too heavy carry-on luggage, spilling hot drinks, being careless with pointed objects or things with sharp edges, and the like. Again, use common sense.

Airplane accidents are rare, despite the fears and misgivings surrounding air travel. But if one does occur during the flight, it is very important for the passenger to stay calm and not to panic. Fear is a highly contagious disease. Many casualties in accidents, even those that happened on land, could have been prevented had the panic been contained. Thus, in case of an accident, take a deep breath, keep the tone of voice down and follow the line.

There is no such thing as the safest seat in the plane. But any passenger can always make his or hers the safest seat if he or she chooses to, wherever he or she is seated. Creating the sense of safety within one’s self, after all, is a mind game.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

COIN COLLECTION: A General Overview

Coin collecting is an activity that is enjoyed many, including individuals of all ages.  In fact, coin collecting is more than just a fun and enjoyable activity; it is considered a hobby.  This hobby is one that many people wish to enjoy and learn more about.  Please continue reading on for a general overview of the great hobby of coin collecting.

English: A photo of coin collection. By jiji j...
A photo of coin collection. By jiji john Mallasery. This hobby started from my early school days.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The history of coin collecting can date back to when coins were originally issued.  Coin collecting was commonly referred to in the past as the “Hobby of Kings.”  This is due in part to the expense of coin collecting back in the older days.  Many of the individuals able to coin collect were royalty, literally.  As for more modern coin collecting, it took off in the early 1900s in the United States.  Although coin collecting was enjoyed well before this point in time, its popularity increased drastically when it was clear coin collecting could be profitable.

Coin collecting is considered a popular activity, as it is one that anyone can enjoy, including children.  In fact, coin collecting is a hobby that many parents and professionals in the field of education encourage children to enjoy.  In this sense, coin collecting can not only be profitable, but it can be educational as well.  Also, coin collecting is a hobby that is relatively easy do.  For many coin collectors, especially children, the startup costs are low or are non-existent.  

The purpose of coin collecting is another reason for its success and increase in popularity.  There are five main types of collectors. These individuals include investors, hoarders, hobbyists, dealers, and inheritors.  Those who collect coins for a hobby do so for personal fulfillment, not necessarily profits.  Those who are considered inheritors often inherit coin collections from hobbyists.  As for investors, they are in it for the money.  Hoarders usually examine their coin collections for value, but many tend to just collect as many types of coins as possible.

Another likeable aspect surrounding coin collecting is that of the supplies needed.  Often times, little or no supplies are needed, especially for children or hobbyists.  With that in mind, there are many benefits to using professional coin collecting supplies.  The good news is that many supplies, including coin folders, coin albums, coin holders, and magnifying glasses, are affordably priced.

The options that coin collectors have, when looking to expand their coin collections, are another reason for its popularity.  Coin collectors have a number of different options when looking to expand their collections.  Many hobbyists stay on the lookout for rare, limited edition, or older coins that they or those that they know may receive on a daily basis.  Other coin collectors, especially those looking for rare or other valuable coins, often turn to professional coin dealers or the internet.  

In keeping with the acquisition of coins, coin collectors have freedom to collect whatever they want.  While coin collectors looking to make a profits, also commonly referred to as investors, tend to stick to rare, outdated, limited edition coins, and other coins of value, there are no requirements to do so.  Hobbyists, as well as children, tend to collect any coins that catch their interest, either in date, value, condition, or size.  No specialty requirements are necessary; however, it may add to the excitement of coin collecting.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Brief Look on the History of CHESS

Chess is a competitive game normally played between two players. It is sometimes called the nternational or Western chess. The recent form of the game emerged in the southern part of Europe during the second half of the fifteenth century. Nowadays, the chess is one of the world’s most popular games.

English: A large chess game inside Enoch Pratt...
A large chess game inside Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, MD, USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Humble Beginnings

The game of Chess has been attributed both by the Arabs and the Persian people to the Indians. Chess then spread throughout the world and several variants of chess soon began taking form. Chess was introduced to the Near East from India and eventually became the part of a courtly and princely education of the Persian nobility. It is also known that the Silk Road traders, Buddhist pilgrims and others carried the game to the Far East where it was assimilated and transformed into a game played on the intersection of lines of the board rather than within the squares.

The game Chaturanga reached Europe through the Byzantine and Arabian empire, and Persia. By the tenth century, the Muslims carried the chess game to Sicily, North Africa and Spain.

Later on, chess was extensively developed in Europe during the late fifteenth century. Fortunately, the
game survived several series of prohibitions and sanctions by the Christian Church.

When the game arrived in Europe it attained a social value and seen as a prestigious pastime related with high culture and nobility. This status of the game explained the exquisite and expensively made
chessboards during the medieval era. The popularity of the game in the Western society peaked during the twelfth and fifteenth centuries.

Eventually, chess was incorporated into the knightly lifestyle in Europe. In fact, Peter Alfonsi mentioned in one of his books that chess is one the seven skills required by an individual to be a good knight. Also, the game became a subject of art during the period. There are several monarchs, like Queen Margaret of England who symbolized the position of chess in the royal art treasures through jasper and crystal chess sets.

Rise of Modern Chess

During the years 1834 and 1851, cutthroat chess became noticeable through the London Chess tournaments, which also made concern regarding the time taken by players to move their pieces. It was realized that the players normally took hours to analyze the moves and one almost took nearly two hours and twenty minutes to think over a single move during the tournament.

Fortunately, the development of speed chess was seen during the following years, where the most popular variant is the five-minute chess. There is also a final variant that allowed a player who made the predetermined amount of moves in the agreed time to receive extra time budget for his or her next moves.

It was not until 1861 when the first time limits, through the use of sandglasses, were used in a tournament at Bristol. Later on, the sandglasses were replaced by pendulums. During the turn of the 19th century, a tiny latch, also known as flag, helped settle the arguments over the players exceeding time limit turn.

Also in the 19th century, position analysis became popular. There is even a Russian composer with the name of Vladimir Korolkov who created the "Excelsior", which stated that the White side wins only by creating six consecutive captures by a pawn. Later, there are several analysts who emerged, including Vasily Smyslov, Jan Timman, and Mikhail Botvinnik.