Sunday, October 22, 2017

What You Need to Know About Nitro RC Cars

Radio-controlled 1/8 scaled nitro racing buggy - Photo: Wikimedia
Because of the movie "The Fast and the Furious" many people today think that the word "nitro" means having something extra on your car that boosts its speed. Thus, many people who encounter the term "Nitro RC Car" think that it refers to an RC car that's been upgraded. 

This thinking could also be due to the fact that many people think that gas powered RC cars actually run on gasoline. This is a very wrong assumption. The term "Nitro RC Car" is actually synonymous with "gas powered RC car" because of the fact that this type of RC car uses a specialized mixture of nitromethane and lubricant to run. 

So what do you need to get started with Nitro RC cars?

1) Experience- Before you go ahead and get a Nitro RC car, you need to have sufficient experience with an electric RC car. This is because of the fact that Nitro RC cars can be too much to handle if you are a noob in RC car usage. This is the reason why people who want to get into the hobby of RC cars are advised to get electric RC cars before they move on to Nitro RC cars. 

2) Interest- Without the right interest to drive you, why would you get into Nitro RC cars? You need to have some reason in order to truly get something from the hobby of Nitro RC cars. This is because Nitro RC cars will cost you some money and nobody spends money on something that they will not profit from in some way. The "profit" in this case does not refer to financial gain exclusively.

3) Information- You need to know different things before you get started with Nitro RC cars. This is because Nitro RC car racing can be a very complicated business. Having the right information can help you a lot in getting the car that you want and taking care of it. In fact, having the right information about Nitro RC cars can help you profit from the hobby financially.

4) The right materials- Many people wonder exactly what tools and materials you need to get into the Nitro RC car hobby. Here are just some of the things you are going to need:

a) Nitro RC car kit- This pretty much contains everything you are going to need to build yourself a "basic" Nitro RC car. This is a kit containing what you need to build the car itself including the engine, the chassis, and the whole enchilada. Beginners are advised to stick to the specifications found in the manual included with Nitro RC car kits. As you progress in the hobby, you may want to divert from the basic look of your car and start customizing your vehicle.

b) Fuel- The nitromethane-castor oil mixture used in powering Nitro RC cars can be found in various hobby shops and stores. Remember: you must never attempt to use gasoline to run your Nitro RC car. The fuel used to run Nitro RC cars is less volatile than gasoline for the reason that the engine may explode if used with gasoline. This means that if you want to enjoy the Nitro RC car hobby for a long time, use only the type of fuel recommended. By doing so, you will ensure that Nitro RC car racing will grow with you.

Causes of US Involvement in World War II

Four US-Soldiers watching allied bombardment - Photo: Wikimedia
Following World War I, the United States adopted an isolationist stance. Starting in 1935, Congress even passed various neutrality acts to enforce the will against foreign entanglement. But by December of 1941, President Roosevelt’s formal declaration of war made this legislation irrelevant. 

Although America attempted isolationism, European and Asian affairs brought global tension that eventually hit the country’s traditional allies. An aim of World War I had been “to make the world safe for democracy”, but democracy in the 1930s was increasingly endangered. The roots of World War II lay in the totalitarian leaders of Asia and Europe and their agendas for expansion. 

Totalitarianism emerged in the Soviet Union, Italy, Spain, and Germany. The fascist leaders had expansionist goals and soon crushed neighboring societies. Italy invaded Ethiopia and established Italian East Africa. Meanwhile, Japan invaded Manchuria, seized Chinese land, and occupied French possessions in Southeast Asia.

In 1938 Europe, the war officially began when Germany’s Adolf Hitler invaded Austria and took Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland, which was home to 3.5 million ethnic Germans. Hitler claimed he was only “restoring rightful boundaries”, since Germany had lost territory in World War I. But Hitler had ideas of widespread domination. In 1939 he and Mussolini created the Rome-Berlin Axis alliance, a military agreement designed to last ten years. Japan entered the pact later that year. Hitler had the confidence to invade Poland in 1939. Poland’s allies, England and France, therefore declared war on Germany. America’s traditional allies were at war.

Initially, President Franklin Roosevelt limited his aid to arms sales, which were restricted in a neutrality act. But Hitler’s invasions continued. He took Denmark, Norway, and Holland, and the Belgian king surrendered his army shortly thereafter. And in June of 1940, France succumbed to Nazi forces. The Axis alliance now dominated Europe from the North Cape of Africa to the Pyrenees. Great Britain’s Winston Churchill vowed to continue the battle for democracy.

Churchill soon needed military aid, and Roosevelt declared that the United States must become “the great arsenal of democracy”. By 1941, he officially ended the country’s isolationist stance by passing the Lend Lease Act, which lifted restrictions on supporting foreign troops with defense gear; the Act first appropriated $7 billion to lend or lease supplies to any countries the president designated. President Roosevelt also started to call US National Guard members to war training.

Next, the Americans built a base in Greenland. Then, stationed aboard warships near Newfoundland, Roosevelt and Churchill issued the Atlantic Charter in June of 1941. Although the US had not officially entered the war, the Atlantic Charter presented the two countries’ goals for a war against fascism. It included their disinterest in acquiring new territories through the war. Shortly thereafter, the US became involved in the years-long Battle of the Atlantic.

The United States officially entered World War II in December of 1941. Japanese military leaders, led by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, attacked a US naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The Japanese limed to destroy the US fleet docked in the Pacific, thus leaving the Japanese free to pursue oil mines in the region. A series of aerial attacks by 361 airplanes succeeded in compromising eight important warships. The air attacks also killed more than 2,300 people. The following day, President Roosevelt asked Congress for a declaration of war against Japan. Congress obliged. By the time of this official declaration, there were battles to fight on many fronts, but “Remember Pearl Harbor!” became a rallying cry for the war. 

Friday, October 20, 2017

Steam Locomotives

A recreated CP # 60 steam locomotive at the Golden Spike National Historic Site in Utah - Photo: Wikimedia
The first steam locomotive was introduced in 1804. Everyone was very excited about what it could offer in regards to moving materials and even people. By today’s standards through the first steam locomotive was nothing impressive. The top speed was five miles per hour and it could haul up to 15 tons of material. Yet you have to remember that this was before automobiles so the steam locomotive offered fast speeds and more power than anything else during that period of time.

As time went by steam locomotives were able to become more powerful and move faster. This was due to new designs for both the steam engines and the tracks. From observing what wasn’t working inventors and scientists were able to implement new strategies that were quite effective. 

One thing you will immediately notice about the steam locomotives is their unique wheel design. This was done to resolve the problem of keeping a steel train in steel rails without slipping. Each steam locomotive actually features two sets of drive wheels. Even with the usefulness of steam locomotives, it took plenty of time to build them as well as to lay the tracks. The first railroad wasn’t ready for operation with the steam locomotives until 1825. 

Steam locomotives were the main type used for the railways from the early 1800’s until the 1950’s. It was at that time the majority of them were replaced by engines running off of diesel fuel. Steam locomotives are large, powerful pieces of machinery that were made from steel and heavy iron. The majority of them can only be found in various train museums today. There are still a few early steam locomotives in use for various types of recreational trains out there. 

If you visit steam locomotives featured in the various museums you will quickly notice all of the differences they offer. Each one was custom made for the railway company it was going to be delivered to. This is why the controls can be found in various locations, the sizes of the smokestacks are different, and even the type of steam whistle to let people know about approaching trains are different.

The concepts behind steam locomotives were very advanced for the 1800’s, but as technology advanced they were replaced by faster trains that could run on diesel fuel. Still, they are a vital part of the foundation that was built long ago for the railway industry. It is rumored that one day in the future steam locomotives will be making a come back. The cost of diesel fuel continues to rise and it does create a large amount of pollution for the environment. 

Of course, these new steam locomotives would have all of the latest features. Don’t expect to see a couple of people shoveling fuel into the compressor in order to generate enough steam to power it. All of the movement would be able to be done by the use of advanced parts that would allow this process to be automated. 

There is plenty of history to be found in the steam locomotives of the past. They provide us with useful information about the early development of the industrial revolution. The fact that early inventors were successful in building these steam engines with limited technology or information is amazing. It just goes to show you that great ideas can happen at any time. 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Where to Find the Best BOOKBINDING Materials

How to tie the thread - Photo: Wikimedia
Whether you’ve just started your first bookbinding project, or have a few under your belt already, chances are you’re always looking for new places to find the best bookbinding materials to make your projects unique and durable. Here are a few places you may want to look, no matter what your budget.

Your local craft supply store is a great place to look for bookbinding materials since you’ll have found ways to creatively decorate your book covers as well. And, after you’ve done the foundational work of making sure that your book is sturdy and durable, you can use some of the materials that you’ll find in a craft store to add finishing touches to the book that only you can create. You can find the cords/rope that you’ll need to actually bind the books at a craft store, and you may even find leather binding materials to give your book a professional look and feel. 

Checking out your local bookstore is also a great idea when you’re searching for bookbinding materials. You can pick up books that will give you instructions on how to bind books of any size, and if you purchase the book, you can always refer back to it when you want to start working on a new bookbinding project. Book titles you may want to look for include Bookbinding: A Beginner’s Manual ( by  John Ashman), The Craft of Bookbinding (by Manly Banister), and Bookbinding and the Care of Books (by Douglas Cockrell). These books and books with similar titles can also be found at your local library.

You can also check out your local print shops or copy supply stores to find bookbinding materials that you can use. Office supply stores are great for finding ideas on how to bind smaller books, and you may even be able to get certain supplies at a discount if you buy in bulk. Checking with publishing companies in your area is also a great idea because you’ll be able to get tips on how to bind your books, and how to use the most affordable materials to do it. 

Of course, there are plenty of places online to find bookbinding materials, but it’s best to know where to look for the materials that will make your books the best they can possibly be. In addition to the right binding materials, you’ll also need binding needles, which are usually between $7-$13 and can be found at some craft stores, or at sites like The Web can also give you lots of useful information on how to authentically bind your books to give them a Renaissance or Gothic look, as well as ways to make your books last longer, even when you bind them yourself. Once you find how which resources work best for you when it comes to bookbinding, you’ll definitely want to use your talent for more books in your home (i.e. photo albums, journals), and you may even begin to give your bound books as gifts to friends. Good luck!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Archery Bows

Photo: Wikipedia

Archery has been the part of human civilization for ages; in fact, archery was extensively used in wars and for hunting. Ancient civilizations like Egyptian, Indian, Greek, and Persian boasts of great archers. These archers are still remembered and revered.     

Bows and arrows are the main constituents of archery. Studies have shown that the bows were developed in either early Mesolithic age or late Paleolithic age. Pines were used for making arrows.  

Bows are an indispensable part of archery. It helps an archer in properly aiming at the target and shooting the arrow. If the bows are not proper then the archer will face difficulties in mounting the arrow. If the arrows are not properly mounted then the archer won’t be able to properly shoot the target.

The archery bows commonly used are: longbow, shortbow, flatbow, recurve bow, crossbow and compound bow. Longbow, as the name suggests, is very long; the length of the bow is equal to the height of the user and in some cases even exceeds the height of the user. The limb of the Flatbow is wider and the cross-section is rectangular in shape.

Shortbow is shorter in length; it is lightweight and has a short range. It was basically used for hunting purpose. In crossbow, the limbs are mounted in a horizontal manner and not in a vertical manner. The compound bow is designed in such as manner that the archer is at his ease while mounting the bow. 

The arrow which is used along with the bow should also be made up of proper material and should be properly designed. The shaft used for making arrow should be of good material. The arrowhead which is at the front portion of the arrow directly points and hit the target. These arrowheads which are made of metals or some other materials are used to target points.  

In order to properly shoot an arrow, the archer has to maintain the correct stance. The posture of the body, the eye and the way the archer is holding the bow should be in line. 

Sight shooting and instinctive shooting are the two methods adopted by an archer while shooting an arrow. In instinctive shooting, the archer has to completely concentrate on the target while shooting the arrow. It requires a lot of practice.

Whereas in case of sight shooting the archer can adjust the pins which are there on the bows to target an object, this is relatively easy. Previously instinctive shooting was the norm but at present sight, shooting is more preferred. 

The firearms displaced archery as it had many advantages over bows and arrows. They had long range, they were more lethal, using them did not require lots of training and no major skill was required to use these weapons.


Today archery has become a sporting activity; some even use it for recreational purposes. In sports too the archery bows used are different but there are set of guidelines provided by International Archery Federation regarding archery bows. Proper knowledge of archery bows and archery arrows will have those desirous of learning archery. 

Monday, October 16, 2017


Home Security - Photo: Flickr
Guns have always been a sure way to protect yourself and your home, although things have changed quite a bit over the years.  Even though those who live in the United States have a right to bear arms, there are also certain responsibilities that come along as well.  Those who own guns have the responsibility of protecting their home and their family - and also their guns.  Anyone who owns a gun may have self-protection in mind - although he also has a priority to protect his guns as well.

Anyone who owns a gun should never allow them to fall into someone else’s hands.  To ensure this never happens, the gun owner should always keep his gun collection locked away in a safe or gun cabinet. You can get many different sizes of gun safes, that will hold a variable amount of guns. Anything can happen if the wrong individual gets a hold of your guns, which is why you should always make sure that they are well protected - and locked up.

Gun owners can protect their own property as well, by storing their guns in fireproof gun safes.  Fireproof gun safes can protect guns and keep them safe, even if everything else burns to the ground.  Even though gun owners have the responsibility to keep their guns out of the reach of others, they also have the right to ensure that no harm comes to their guns as well.

Fireproof guns safes will also keep guns safe from children as well.  All children are curious and like to get their hands on anything they can.  If you leave your guns lying around and not locked up, a child will eventually find it.  You should also ensure that your guns are never loaded either, as a child can really hurt himself if he finds a loaded gun.  Although you may keep your guns locked up in a fireproof safe - you should also make sure that the ammo is out of the guns and locked away in the safe as well.

Keep in mind that children may look for your gun on purpose, knowing that the guns are something that you use.  Therefore, simply putting your guns on a higher shelf doesn’t really protect your children.  If a child wants something bad enough, he or she will do anything possible to get it.  The only real way to keep your guns safe from children is to ensure that they are always locked up in fireproof safe or traditional gun safe.

Children may show interest in guns at an early age, which can be a good thing but can also be a bad thing.  At a young age, a child won’t know anything about gun safety.  Therefore, if a child happens to come across your guns, bad things can happen.  If you have guns if your home, you should always make a point to teach your children gun safety.  This way, they will know that they aren’t allowed to handle your guns, and they’ll be aware of what can happen if they do.

By keeping your guns in a fireproof safe or traditional gun safe, you’ll keep your guns safe from children or others.  Fireproof safes will also keep your guns safe from fire as well, which makes them an ideal investment.  Although you can also get a traditional gun safe if you prefer, fireproof safes are by far the best way to go.  You can keep your guns safe from children, others, and even fire - which makes them more than worth the money.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

How to Blow Smoke Rings with Your CIGAR

Smoking rings - Photo: Pixabay
Do you yearn to blow smoke rings with your cigar like a pro?  Stogie aficionados often speak of the ceremony-like deliberateness of smoking a good cigar.  Blowing smoke rings is the mark of a smoker who enjoys the smooth and relaxing effects of smoking.  But how do you blow a good smoke ring?  Some argue that it cannot be taught—that it will simply come to you with time and practice.  Regardless, here are a few tips to get you going.

Veteran smokers note that in order to blow a good smoke ring, you will need to create dense smoke.  Draw a deep, dense smoke puff into your mouth.  Hold the smoke there and then open your mouth slowly and deliberately.  Open your mouth, shaping your lips into a rounded 'O.' and pull your tongue back as you expel the smoke.  

Keep in mind that you are not exhaling the smoke, but simply pushing it out of your mouth.  Also, keep in mind that this maneuver will not work if there is even a slight breeze in the air.  Make sure you try it in a location with still calm air.