Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Little Red Wine Could Take You A Long Way!

Longevity interests a lot of people who aren't ready to give up their lives, just yet, and who look to healthy alternatives to culturally defined eating patterns and "health care."

The benefits of drinking wine have been touted for a while and are thought, by some, to be the reason why the French can get away with eating a high-fat diet while enjoying a low rate of coronary disease.

A few years ago, a study by French research team also found that men who regularly drank at least two glasses of wine daily were 50 percent less likely than non-drinkers to suffer a second heart attack.

Previous studies with yeast, a small species of worm, and fruit flies have shown that resveratrol -- a polyphenol antioxidant found in grapes, especially red grapes, and particularly pinot noir grapes which are grown in northern latitudes and used in wines coming from New York, Washington, and Oregon -- is a life-extending compound.

In a new study from Italy, resveratrol has been used to increase the lifespan of a short-lived breed of tropical fish by more than 50%. Not only did fish given resveratrol in their food live longer than the control group, they stayed livelier as they aged and displayed better memory in stimulus/response tests. And the neurons in their brains didn't decay as quickly when they died and were dissected.

Resveratrol, an organic compound contained in the skins of grapes that protects them from disease, is extracted from grapes by the winemaking process. The wine becomes a preservative for the resveratrol and prevents its oxidation.

That's why drinking grape juice or eating raisins doesn't have the same effect; the resveratrol has neither been extracted nor preserved. It's also been shown that resveratrol in food supplements oxidizes upon exposure to air and loses its effectiveness.

Red wine may truly be a "wondrous drug!"

Other studies have shown that wine, especially red wine, can help prevent colds, increase the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, lower the risk of Alzheimer's, reduce the size and number of fat cells in the body, reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and has anti-inflammatory properties to boot.

Drug companies are trying to copy Red wine may truly be a "wondrous drug!", but might not be able to preserve its health-preserving benefits. Besides, resveratrol is freely available in red wine and not patentable as such.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Building a 16 ft. Grand Banks Dory

Grand Baks Dory - Photo: Wikimedia
As a kid, I did a lot of boat building, mainly scale models that were not able to sail, although I did actually build a few boats that were, more or less, capable of sailing. I even once build a 10 feet boat, or shall I say raft. I accomplished this with a few friends and we had great fun sailing it on the local river. It was not really waterproof and while one person was rowing, the others had to make sure that they removed the water quicker then it was entering our boat.

Then sadly one day we failed. I was rowing at the time, and we were in the middle of the river when it was clear we were sinking. I stopped rowing to assist with the hosing, but this only slowed down the process of sinking, it did not stop it. So I started to row again in on the effort to reach dry land before we sank, thus avoiding having to swim to safety. 

And guess what: We made it! Just before the boat really started to sink we managed to jump ashore. Here we watched as our pride and joy slowly sank to the bottom of the river. It was then that we realized we were on the wrong side of the river and this left us with a problem. We either had to walk to the nearest bridge, 10 kilometers upriver, so that would have been a 20-kilometer walk, or swim to the other side.

We decided on swimming. We did not see anyone around, so we quickly undressed, and with one hand holding our clothes above the water, we managed to get back to our own side of the river. Just as we were struggling to get out of the water a group of girls from our own school was passing by, and I can tell you we were not happy!

This all happened a long time ago and a few times in my life I have had plans of building a boat again. I have spent a good amount of time looking at boat building plans, but with boats, size does matter. 

I usually looked at boats between 30 and 40 feet, but the sheer volume of work involved has always stopped me from going ahead with my boat building plans. 

Now I have decided to start small. I am going to build a 16 feet Grand Banks dory, which I want to fit with a small outboard engine. I bought the boat building plans, I got the working space, and by the time you read this article, I might be finished already. 

Later, who knows, I might build a 40 feet cabin cruiser, and tow my Grand Banks dory behind me. Then, if my cabin cruises sink, I can always row to safety in my Grand Banks dory, dry and with my clothes on.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Radio Sports For Die-Hard Hobbyists

Contest-Station - Photo: Wikipedia
Radiosport as a term is sometimes used as two separate words, or as a single word. It refers to the use of amateur radio equipment or the “ham”, in short, as a part of playing some sort of game. It might be a group event or a single person event. It can involve other competitors in real time like a race or like a performance or achievement over a given time frame.

The contests are usually sponsored events and can last anywhere between a few hours and 2 days, the worldwide contests being two days usually. It can be local in a specific region or may involve traveling a long distance.  It can be a cumulative contest taking place over many weekends, or a sprint contest which lasts only a few hours. The rules are specific for the event and they include which stations (which regions) may participate and the like.

This is usually called radiosports. This can be any of the following.

This is when stations are to make two-way contact with as many stations as possible over the longest distance possible. This is called the International DX-Contest today. Awards may be given for the following accomplishments. The “Worked All States Award” if the entrants make contact with someone from every state in the USA. The “Worked All continents Award” is given for making contact with someone from every continent. “Worked All Zones Award” is the same concept with time zones. Other awards include the DX Century Club award and the UHF/VHF Century Club award.

Another event is an Amateur Radio Direction finding using radios. A specific number of transmitters needs to be found from a specific region on a map before reaching the end line. This relies on the athletic ability of the ham operator as well as some direction finding skill with radios.

Fox Oaring or Bunny hunting: This is similar to the previous contest but involves more short-range equipment of the hams, and so it relies more on the direction finding skills of the contestant rather than the athletic ability. It’s more technical in nature than the previous contest, and the radio can detect signals only 100 meters or so away, so the contestant must locate the transmitter hidden in an area of a 200-meter radius.

A more severely restricted game than the Fox Oaring is the Radio orienting contest in compact areas. This requires very high technical skills.

There is another form of the amateur radio direction finding, or bunny hunting, that utilizes transportation with vehicles over long distances. The hams have to travel in their vehicles to the specific region and find the transmitter. Whoever finds the transmitter first and reaches the finish line is the winner. A variation is that the one to find a specific number of transmitters hidden in different places first is the winner. This relies on the traveling skill, orientation skill and the equipment efficiency too.

These events are called ARDF contests, which is short for Amateur Radio Direction Finding Contests. Contests or radiosports are just a part of the hobby activity. Entering contests is not a requirement, but there are many who pursue this almost obsessively and collect winning certificates by the dozen in fact. On the other extreme are those that are equally passionate about being a ham, but do so purely for communication and satisfaction.

The significant thing about hams that need to be mentioned here is that the hams can and do make regular contact with space stations. Many astronauts are licensed amateur radio operators and use their radios for educational purpose as well as an emergency backup.

So what was once spanning a small region locally in the beginning now has penetrated into space! What was once only Morse code based has now evolved into greater variations involving voice, digital transmission and so on? It is exciting to see how much radio transmission has changed in recent years.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory
Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory 

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For most of us, the idea of astronomy is something we directly connect to “stargazing”, telescopes and seeing magnificent displays in the heavens.  And to be sure, that is the exciting area of astronomy that accounts for its huge popularity.  So to the uninitiated, the idea of “radio astronomy” seems strange.  There are two reasons for that.  First is that humans are far more visual than audio oriented.  And the second is that radio astronomy doesn’t really involve “listening” to the cosmos except to the extent that scientists who use this sophisticated form of “stargazing” do not rely on the visual study to conduct their work.

To appreciate what is really exciting about radio astronomy, first, we have to shift how we view astronomy.  That is because to professional astronomers, studying the universe is more about frequencies than it is about visual documentation of phenomenon.  This takes us back to Physics 101.

Light, obviously, is the physical phenomenon that empowers our ability to use our visual confirmation system, e.g. our eyes to appreciate something, in this case, the stars.  So when we look up at the heavens, we can see the light emitting from a star or reflecting from a planet or moon.  In many cases, if we see a faraway star, we are actually seeing it hundreds or thousands of years ago because that is how long it takes for that light to cross the universe and be visible in our sky.  That alone is a pretty mind-blowing idea.

Now light itself is a pretty strange substance.  But to our astronomy scientists, light is just another energy that exists in a certain frequency.  Now, we tend to think of frequencies when we talk about sound waves.  In scientific terms light, energy and sound are just a few forms of the same thing, frequencies of energy that are emulating from a source.

Now we get to why radio astronomy is so necessary.  The range of frequency that light occupies in the big spectrum of frequencies is really pretty small.  To put that more bluntly, we can only “see” a tiny part of the universe that is actually there.  Now when you look up in the night sky and it is so overwhelming, when you then that we are seeing just a tiny amount of what is actually going on up there, again, our minds can get pretty overwhelmed.

Radio astronomy uses sophisticated sensor equipment to study ALL of the frequencies of energy coming to us from the cosmos.  In that way, these scientists can “see” everything that is going on out there and so get a precise idea of how the stars look, behave now and will behave in the future.

For some of us who have heard about radio astronomy, we think of it in terms of “listening” for signs of life in the universe.  And yes, SETI, or “the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence” is a part of radio astronomy, albeit a tiny part.  But of much greater importance is how radio astronomy has empowered serious astronomers (that is those who get paid to do it) to study stars many light years away, to study black holes which we could never see with our telescopes and to gather research and data about the whole of the universe that otherwise would be impossible to know and understand.

This is important work that is constantly ongoing in the world of astronomy.  It is worth keeping up with and learning more about as we have barely scratched the surface in our brief discussion today.

But understanding how important radio astronomy is will only deepen and make more meaningful your love and grasp of this big field of knowledge known as astronomy.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Adventure Sailing is More Fun When You Own The Yacht

Photo: Pixabay
You can charter adventure sailing vacation to almost any destination in the world. The only problem is that it will cost you a lump sum paying for the crew, the meals and the fuel for the trip. You can probably save money on a sailing vacation when you own the yacht but only if you know how to navigate and control it. 

The advantage of owning a boat is that you can go on a sailing vacation at any time. You don’t have to call your travel agent or make any reservation online since the boat is just sitting at the dock waiting for you to come aboard. The only thing you have to do is buy food and fuel which should be enough to get you back to port. 

The boat also brings financial benefits because when you are not using it, this can be rented out to those who want to go on their own sailing vacation as long as they are able to pay your rate. This, of course, means additional revenue for you so the ship stays in good shape. 

This makes it also ideal for those who want to conduct business on board because this is a tax-deductible once you register your boat as a place of business. To see how this works, get in touch with your tax advisor

Another financial benefit of owning your own yacht is the fact that this is considered to be a second home. This is as long as the boat has at least one berth, a permanent gallery and a head which is the requirement of the IRS. 

If you can’t buy your own yacht, there is something called fractional boat ownership which means for a certain period during the year, you can do whatever you want with the boat. This will allow you to use it to go on a trip with your family. 

The best thing about this is that a group of you share the cost of owning the yacht which already includes its maintenance, insurance, moorage, equipment, fuel, and repairs. 

This can only happen of course after you have completed a boating safety class and a safety orientation. This will not be a problem for you if you are already certified to sail a boat and know how to use all the equipment like charts, compass, and GPS on board. 

The other option is to join a boat club. Unlike part-time sharing, you don’t get to own a boat. But as a member, you are entitled to up to 4 advanced reservations at any given time and access to powerboats or to sailboats that are up to 30 feet in length. The club for its part will shoulder all the other expenses such as maintenance, cleaning, storage, and insurance. 

There are many of them around so you won’t have a hard time choosing one. Some cater to one market while others cater to all. They also offer boating classes for those who want to do this for fun or commit themselves in the sport. 

Adventure sailing vacation is truly better when you own the yacht as the only thing you have to do is drive on over to the docks, stow your gear on board and then sail off into the sunset.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Airbrush Art On Automobiles

Photo: Pixabay
By airbrushing art onto your automobile you can create a unique paint job that really shows off your style. Once you have the basics down on how to work the airbrush then you can pretty much create some great airbrush art on your automobile. It does not matter if you can draw or not. There is no need to be able to freehand you artwork either. Stencils can be used to airbrush art on to your automobile just the same as any other surface or project.  The art that you create with airbrushing is only limited to your own imagination. There are plenty of places to acquire stencils or get design ideas so that you can create your own stencils.

If you do create your own stencils for airbrushing your automobile do not use paper to create your stencils. Automobiles need lots of paint and this will damage paper stencils rather quickly. So stick with plastic or vinyl material for your stencils. A great cheap plastic to use for stencils is thin plastic folders. These can be picked up cheaply in office supply areas of most stores.

When doing airbrush art there are different types of airbrushes that are available. The best airbrush to use for putting airbrush art onto an automobile is a gravity fed airbrush. This is the one that professionals use and will give your artwork a high-quality look. The paint can be automotive paint but make sure that you use a well-ventilated area as the fumes can pose a health hazard. It is best when using automotive paint to wear a respirator at all times. When using automotive paint make sure that it is thin enough to flow through the airbrush. If the automotive paint that you have chosen does not flow then thin it down so that it flows. The paint should be thinned to about a milk thickness. A good automotive lacquer will work fine to thin down your automotive paint. 

Different airbrush art calls for different psi on your compressor. PSI stands for pounds per square inch and for automotive airbrush art you need a compressor that has a psi of 55-65. Iwata is a great name brand to go with and they offer four compressors that will work for airbrushing automotive. Badger is another good name brand that you can go with. They offer several air compressors that will work when doing airbrush art on automobiles.

When it comes to any part of your actual airbrush equipment such as the airbrush and its parts as well as the compressor make sure to go with name brand. Do not use any knockoffs a these will cost you more money and lots of headaches in the long run. You get what you pay for and when it comes to airbrush art you need to go with names that you can trust. A lot of knockoffs also will give for a harder time finding replacement parts when they tear up. Knockoffs will tear up quicker than the name brands. So save yourself the hassle of being in the middle of your airbrush art project on your automobile and find yourself unable to get replacement parts for your airbrush equipment. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Turn the Attic Into A Bedroom

Photo: Pxhere
Let’s say that you live in a one bedroom apartment and you have guests sleeping over. You can give up a bedroom and sleep on the couch but if this is going to be the scenario every time, perhaps it will be best to turn the attic into another bedroom instead?

The attic will make a nice bedroom because it is above ground. Not only that, a study shows that homeowners who convert their attics or add additional living space to their homes can carry a significant weight at the time that they decide to resell it. 

To make this happen, the first thing you have to do is improve the insulation in the room. Most people do not insulate this section of the house compared to the bedroom or dining room because this is only used to store old junk 

In order for people to sleep here comfortably, you will need to install additional layers of insulation as well as a drywall to hide the wooden frames. 

It is one thing to fight against the cold and another when summer is here. For that, you will also need to provide adequate ventilation by putting roof rafters and windows so air can flow in and out of the room. 

Next, you will have to fix the walls by using either drywall pieces or wood panelling. Choosing what to use really depends on your budget. 

Since most attics are dark, you will have to light to this place by installing a skylight. You can put one or a few which will also save on electricity costs when someone is up here during the day. 

After roofing and walls, you can now focus your attention on the floors. You can use the existing wood already on the floor or replace these with tiles. Another option will be to put a rug. 

If a pull-down stairway or trap door is okay to gain access to your attic, this should also be changed when what is already up there is already a bedroom. This is because it is a requirement in order for your construction to be approved. The staircase must be 2 feet by 6 feet with single or double hand railing. 

As for lighting, you can easily put a few more bulbs by wiring this to the nearest power source. The same goes for heating and plumbing should you also have a bathroom upstairs. 

Homeowners who decide to hire a contractor should look for several, ask for an estimate and compare each one. As much as people want to spend so much to make this renovation look good, there are limits to how much he or she can shell out to make this happen.

Those who have the right contractor for the job should make sure that the building permit and other requirements are in order so construction can begin. They should also be able to keep you updated on the progress of their work and be consulted if there are any problems because this is your home. 

Turning your attic into a bedroom is one of the best decisions you will ever make as a homeowner because when everything is made according to your specifications, you will already be able to have guests come over and sleep there without you ever having to give up your bed.