Thursday, November 15, 2018

Experiencing the Parallels between Victimology and Criminology

Photo: Flickr
All too often, society is inclined to allow criminals to receive leniency for their crimes as a result of the environment in which a person may have existed.  Even if the criminal was not influenced by their environment to commit the crime, the criminal is liable to adopt the persona of the victim in order to gain sympathy. 

This is often successful because when more well-off individuals are in the presence of those that are considered to be less fortunate, they may feel guilt.  In many cases, this guilt is not necessary.  However, if an individual begins to express their opinion that by adopting the role of a victim the criminal is dodging the responsibility of the crime, they will likely be criticized greatly for their thoughts.  

Victimology, even if it is sincere, is often a way in which individuals justify a crime to themselves and to others.  For example, one of the most commonly held beliefs within the United States of America is that of the great American dream, in which everyone is happy, living in a nice house and the parents have stable occupations making a comfortable living for their families.  This does not at all reflect the reality of inner-city slums and poor rural areas.  By clinging to the belief that no matter what, even without trying in some cases, individuals deserve to experience the American dream, they may be inclined to take what they feel they deserve rather than try to work for it.  Some people will rationalize that they have no means to work for this dream, and they had no choice but to act out in the way that they did.  However, this blaming of society does not change the reality of the situations.  By allowing one person to get away with a crime because of a victim mentality would be a slap in the face to the people that do work to succeed.  

Herein lays the most important parallel between victimology and Criminology. While it is simple to blame society for one’s troubles, this does not begin to solve the problem.  Individuals from all sides need to think about how society may impact the role of the criminal and to take steps in order to change things.  This way, when an individual tries to adopt a victim mentality, we can state as a society that there were other options.  By outlining the different options in such a setting, even more, people can be exposed to the ways in which society is working to stabilize equality between different categories of individuals and work to reduce crime as a product of environment or surroundings.  Criminology works to examine how society and the criminal interact, and this needs to be looked at under extreme scrutiny in order to find the causes of problems and work toward successful solutions.

There are also instances in which those who are perceived to be in a seat of power will become corrupt.  It is important to look at this too.  Individuals may attempt to adopt a victim role in this scene as well in order to appeal to the sympathetic public.  Aside from sociopaths, individuals have moral standards that will tell them what is wrong and what is right.  For anyone to adopt the role of the victim in order to gain sympathy is a ploy against the considerate nature of others.  When it comes to crime, the people that should be playing the role of the victim are those who were victimized during the act of the crime.  For individuals that live, they are many times much stronger than people may have believed them to be, and it is nauseating that the criminal will then try to adopt a role that the person they violated will not even take on in the courtroom.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

On the Nature of Evil

Eugène Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People (1830, Louvre) - Photo: Wikipedia
In psychological terms, evil is an aberration of the ego. An evil ego has a strong desire to dominate other egos. An evil person knows that terror is the most effective way to dominate other people because terror induces incapacitating fear. People who are stricken with fear cannot take effective action to defend themselves and while they are in that state, an evil person can do anything they want to do to them. This aberration of the ego can be termed "sick" because the perverted ego will inflict pain and suffering in order to experience the joy and thrill of being in total control. A healthy ego will not do that. A healthy ego is self-sufficient, peaceful, joyful in its natural state, and it has a desire to help and serve others. A healthy ego does not have a desire to dominate and it will not purposefully inflict pain and suffering. The concept of ego domination has been practiced throughout human history but it has not necessarily been fully understood by the practitioners. 

However, in the 20th century, the Nazi's not only fully understood the concept, but they were the scientists of evil. They perfected the science of terror for the first time in history. "Blitzkrieg" is the term for warfare that terrorizes without warning, completely surprising the victims and totally incapacitating them by knocking them out before they have a chance to understand what is happening to them. Torture on a mass level is the method for keeping a population in a state of terror. This is the sick psychology of evil.

In religious or spiritual terms, evil is an aberration of the soul. The soul can be defined as that which was created in the image of God so it is naturally peaceful, loving, happy and eternal. Let us assume that God gave his/her children the gift of free will. Let us also assume that in the beginning, there was a soul named Lucifer who was an angel. In response to the gift of free will, all the other angels exclaimed, "Thank you very much, God, how beautiful your gift is!" Their response was not surprising because the angels were simply reacting in accordance with their true nature. Lucifer retorted, "Really. I can do anything I want to do now? OK, fine. I want to be God." Lucifer's vanity was the aberration. Not particularly liking Lucifer's retort, God banished Lucifer from heaven. 

Lucifer's reaction to being banished from The Fun House was to dedicate his existence to wreaking as much havoc as possible. God was caught in his/her own trap because free will precludes interference. But I have to assume that God has a vastly superior intellect and undoubtedly foresaw this possible outcome. Almost all believers think there is a Master Plan. If there is one, it follows logically that evil is a part of the plan because otherwise, the Almighty would have put a stop to it immediately.

Anybody who has a basic grasp on the reality of human existence knows that it's not possible to manifest everything we want and desire by applying our free will, concentrating our minds, working hard to get what we want, or even through the power of prayer. There is a will in our universe that is infinitely stronger than our free will. If our will and desire happen to be in sync with the infinite will, then we can manifest our desire. If our will and desire are not in sync with the infinite will, we can try, try, and try again ad infinitum and nothing will happen except that we will frustrate ourselves. Someone once said, "When the Karmic Door is shut, even if you have the right key, the lock won't turn." For example, all my life I've had an overpowering desire to be rich and famous. Say what you want about me, but there's no question that I have a powerful will, a powerful mind, and I'm a high energy person who pursues his dreams with great vigor (oh thank you, JFK). Now witness the fact that I'm still destitute and completely unknown!

Individual free will tends to have very limited power. On the other hand, mass free will can be defined as what occurs when many millions of individuals unite in basic agreement behind a common purpose and mass free will tends to be unstoppable. I believe that when masses of people unite behind a good purpose, the universe smiles and says "Go!" Now consider what has occurred as a result of the aberrant free will unleashed by the dictators of the 20th century. World War II is believed to have been necessary in order to stop Hitler once and for all. But there was a moment in time when the expenditure of millions of American lives would not have been necessary. Winston Churchill knew when that window of opportunity had opened up but he was unable to muster the forces of resistance in time. America was isolationist and England could not do the job alone because Nazi Germany had become too powerful by the time Churchill had achieved political control of England. We have seen many atrocious people ascend to power in various countries. A few examples are Stalin in Russia, Pol Pot in Cambodia, and Idi Amin in Uganda. The list of atrocious dictators is a long one but I'd like to focus on Saddam Hussein because he is our creation in the sense that we trained him, armed him, and even supported him against his enemies in the mistaken belief that he would remain "our boy". By the time our government understood that big mistake, it was too late and we have paid dearly for our government's mistake. The invoice for our cost is still mounting and our soldiers are still dying in a foreign land.

There is an answer to the problem of stopping evil on Earth from getting out of control, and the answer does NOT involve having America police the world. Why should the American people pay the cost of having a world police force? The cost of our military might is in the trillions and the debt affects our daily lives by increasing our cost of living dramatically. The reality is that evil must be resisted and overcome the very moment it first manifests itself before its power grows and becomes unmanageable. But the responsibility for dealing with planetary evil should not rest on the United States alone. An emasculated body already exists whose proper job it should have been to assume that responsibility. I'm talking about the United Nations and I'm suggesting the creation of a United Nations Rapid Strike Force which should possess the best weapons, technology and training possible. It's not too late to re-invest the United Nations with the power, the authority, and the freedom to act without being stopped in the Security Council by one major power and I'm suggesting that the United Nations Charter be revised to give it the power to act on the basis of majority rule in the General Assembly. A majority vote in the General Assembly is the truly democratic method of reaching an appropriate decision to send in the Rapid Strike Force.

Consider how many lives have been lost in the 20th-century wars against evil governments that expanded their destructive power outside their own borders. We must understand that somebody needs to stop these governments whenever they wreak havoc on their own people, not only because terror is WRONG, but also because massive governmental cruelty is the warning sign that an evil government is in the process of expanding its power. We should not wait until a country like Iraq becomes dangerous outside its borders. By the time that happens, a war (legal or undeclared) is necessary and too many lives are lost. It's no longer practical for us to believe that individual countries have an inherent right to do anything they want to do within their own borders. Even the smallest atrocious government can endanger the world if they are able to develop nuclear weapons. They can even buy or steal nuclear bombs. I believe that whenever terror and torture become methods of governing, the concept of territorial autonomy needs to be abrogated - if not in the name of human rights, then it should be done for our own protection. A United Nations Rapid Strike Force is the answer because the window of opportunity to eliminate an atrocious government without excessive expenditure of lives occurs during the beginning of the government's expansion of power, and that window is only open for a short period of time. The idea is to blitzkrieg evil before it gets a chance to blitzkrieg us.

Of course, I realize that America would have to release some of its power and accept the possibility that a decision could be implemented with which America would not agree. But that would be a small price to pay in order to save thousands or even millions of American lives. That would also be a small price to pay to get out from under the crushing debt that has been and is being incurred for maintaining the gigantic military force that Americans believe is justified in order protect ourselves and to police the world. I believe that it is the responsibility of the world to police itself. If you've gotten this far in your reading and you agree that my idea has merit, please write to your representative in Congress. That would make me feel much better about being destitute and completely unknown. (Text from 2007 !!)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Different Types of RC Car Bodies

Photo: Flickr
The term "RC car body" usually refers to the shell or outer covering of the RC car. This gives the general appearance of the RC car. There are some things you should know about RC car bodies:

Two classifications - there are two general classifications of RC car bodies. These are based on how you get them:

a) Pre-built- This is the type of RC car body that comes with pre-assembled cars. This type of RC car body usually has a look that's more or less similar to other bodies that a company builds. It is often the case that people buy this type of RC car body in order to showcase the craftsmanship. Many pre-built RC car bodies are based on real cars. This means that you can buy almost any type of car you can dream of.

b) Customized- There are people who choose to shun the uniform look of pre-built RC car bodies and prefer instead to add their personal touches to its look. Customized RC car bodies are often made use of by longtime enthusiasts who want to accomplish one of two objectives:

1) Aesthetical enhancement- People who want to make their RC cars look better than what's conventional often try to customize their own RC car bodies. There are many who succeed in this endeavor, but there are also a lot of people who just end up buying a new pre-built RC car body.

2) Performance enhancement- There are those who design RC car bodies to achieve the objective of enhancing a car's performance. Many people who customize RC car bodies often do so in order to improve the aerodynamics of their vehicle. This helps them speed up the RC car.

There are also certain recognizable types of RC car bodies available today:

1) Realistic- This, of course, refers to the various types of RC car bodies which are modeled after real cars. It is often the case that this RC car body type is based on a winner of a competition such as the World Rally Championships. It could also be based on "cool" cars such as the Hummer.

This RC car body type is often judged by its faithfulness to the original. It is also highly regarded for the craftsmanship. People who own this type of RC car body often make use of it in "on-road" races as it minimizes the potential for damage.

2) Monster Truck- This type of RC car body is made for one thing: bashing. It is often the case that people who have this type of RC car body make use of their RC cars to leap ramps, "off-road" races, and generally to have as much fun with their vehicles as possible. The monster truck RC car body is often made to be durable which means that it can survive most of the maneuvers that owners put it through. This is the undisputed king of RC car bodies.

3) Racing buggy- These are vehicles made to race. Whether it's off-road or on, it is definitely made for speed. This type of RC car body is made to conquer every type of terrain you put it in. It has a distinctive triangular shape meant to make this RC car body more aerodynamic as you use it to dominate every race.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Gain More Respect: Getting a Hold of Poker Etiquette

Photo: Pxhere
As poker rises in popularity, so does the number of ignorant players who just play for kicks. They disrupt the whole flow of the game and give it a lot of disrespect. A certain instance is when one says "bad fold, bad fold!" when he/she sees that the rather ragged flop has hit his/her hand. It is very annoying for all the players in the table and has cut off the bluffing element of the round since one has declared that he/she has one or two of the cards on the table.

Anyway, follow these basic guidelines of good behavior to ensure that the game is fair and enjoyable.

Don’t Talk About Your Cards after you’ve folded them

This is one of the most common breaches of etiquette that people do. Similar to the situation above, there might be instances wherein someone just bangs at the table and fusses over what a horrible fold he/she did. Again, it takes the life of the game and takes out some strategies that may be used on the round.

If You Want To Show Your Cards, Show It to Everyone

There are times when one asks an opponent to show their hand to them. Sometimes, they accede to the request and show it to them. But the problem is that they seem to keep it to themselves as a cute little secret. Don’t do that in a casino or even in a cash game. It annoys a lot of people. Keep the game fair for everyone.

Muck Your Hand Properly

There are lots of moments where one just throws their card like it was literally trash. Sometimes, the cards flip over and your hand will be shown to a few people who even cared about looking at you. Again, this takes out the element of fairness in the game because the other player may use this as a basis of calling or
folding given that card can’t possibly be a kicker for his/her opponent. So to speak, you’re wrecking the game for a couple of unknowing players. Keep things
formal and fold your hand properly by sliding it to the dealer using both hands.

Don’t Splash Your Chips

When betting, some people just toss in their chips, making a horrid splash that makes it difficult for the dealer to count. This takes up unnecessary time and drains all the energy of the round and disrupts the natural flow of the game. Bet properly by stacking your chips and sliding it over to the center of the table. Doing that shouldn’t be very difficult.

Pay Attention!

There are people who space out in the middle of the round and it takes a little nudge or a tilted eyebrow to get him/her back to earth. Don’t make everyone remind you it’s your turn, please. A lot of people take poker very seriously and a good number even gamble with this game as a profession. Respect the game, and you’ll get respect in return.


Honestly, if you want to be respected at the poker table. Don’t be a brat but be a mature person who loves to play the game. Minding your manners is a part of that. Actually, people shouldn’t even talk about this because it should be a customary task. And not only does it help you in the poker table, but also in life in general. Play the game properly and you’ll both get respect and admiration from your peers because of your class and love for the game.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Belize as the Ultimate Adventure Vacation Destination

English Caye - Photo: Flickr
One of the most favorite adventure vacation destinations of people nowadays is Belize, a small nation on the eastern coast of Central America. And why not? Being a place that is strategically located on the Caribbean Sea, Belize has all the adventure and has to offer compared to any place there is. 

Belize can be found between the Hondo and Sarstoon Rivers, Belize is popular for the Belize River that flows down at the heart of the country. Geographically speaking, the north of Belize is characterized by flat and swampy coastal plains. Other places are heavily forested and consist of flora that is highly diverse. 

Its south area is composed of low mountain ranges of the Maya Mountains while its Caribbean coast is lined with soft coral reefs and some 500 islets and islands called "cayes." Belize boasts off the Belize Barrier Reef which is known as the longest in the western hemisphere and is considered as the second longest in the whole world, next to the Great Barrier Reef.

Off to an extreme adventure 

When people speak of Belize, only two words will come to mind—romance and adventure. If you are planning to go to Belize for an adventure vacation, it is a must that you familiarize yourself with the place by knowing a dose of its rich history. You should also familiarize yourself with going around the place such as knowing various means of transportation such as buses, cars, motorcycles and bicycles. You should also have any idea what to expect from the place in terms of accommodations, foods, and activities that you can do. 

For an ultimate adventure vacation, the following are just some of the romantic things and exciting activities and places that you can visit:

1. The Great Barrier Reef. Being one of the world’s greatest treasures, a trip to Belize would mean nothing if you have not visited the longest reef in the western hemisphere, The Great Barrier Reef. You will definitely the visit because it doesn’t not only give you an amazing nature experience but a sense of adventure as well. 

2. Visiting the caves. Caving is indeed one of the most adventurous activities that you can do while in Belize. Here, you can witness various formations of caves with abundant limestone and wet climates.

3. Exploring the island by land. This can be very tiring but thrilling because you get to explore the place on your own and at your own pace. You can do your exploration by taking a golf cart ride, cattle cars, and though bikes that are available for rent.

4. Sea adventure. Exploring the seas can be as exciting as rediscovering the land. To relish the beauty of the island and its waters, rent a charter boat with a guide to go around the island or you can rent a kayak that will take you to various parts of the island. You can also rent boats for boating; you can go fishing, and do various water sports such as jet skis, wave runners, diving, snorkeling, windsurfing, kite surfing, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, and catamarans.

Aside from the activities mentioned, one great thing that makes Belize a favorite adventure vacation destination is the climate which, is tropical and is generally very hot and humid. This makes it a perfect getaway destination for people and couples who love beaches while basking in the warm and pleasant weather.

Although the climate here is generally hot, rainy season also occurs from May to November so don’t opt to go there during those times. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Gain More Muscle By Training Less Often

Photo: Pexels
The more work you put into something, the better results you will achieve. This has always been a widely accepted truth that applies to many areas of life. The harder you study, the better grades you will achieve. The more time you spend fine-tuning your athletic skills, the better athlete you will become. The longer you spend learning to play an instrument, the better musician you will become. Therefore, it only makes sense that the more time you spend in the gym, the stronger and more muscular your physique will become, correct? Contrary to what you might think, the answer to this question is a gigantic, definite, absolute no! It is in this area of bodybuilding that conventional wisdom goes straight out the window, down the street and around the corner. 

I know what you might be asking yourself… 

“What? Spending less time in the gym will actually make me bigger and stronger?” 

Yes! It really will, and when we examine the muscle-growth process from its most basic roots, it becomes quite clear why this is the case. 

Every single process that occurs within the human body is centered around keeping you alive and healthy. Through thousands of years of evolution, the human body has become quite a fine-tuned organism that can adapt well to the specific conditions that are placed upon it. We become uncomfortable when we are hungry or thirsty, we acquire a suntan when high amounts of UV rays are present, we build calluses to protect our skin, etc. So what happens when we break down muscle tissue in the gym? If you answered something to the effect of "the muscles get bigger and stronger", then congratulations! You are absolutely correct. By battling against resistance beyond the muscle's present capacity we have posed a threat to the musculature. The body recognizes this as potentially harmful and as a natural adaptive response, the muscles will hypertrophy (increase in size) to protect the body against this threat. As we consistently increase the resistance from week to week the body will continue to adapt and grow. 

Sound simple? Ultimately it is, but the most important thing to realize in relation to all of this is that the muscles can only grow bigger and stronger if they are provided with sufficient recovery time. Without the proper recovery time, the muscle growth process simply cannot take place. 

Your goal in the gym should be to train with the minimum amount of volume needed to yield an adaptive response. Once you have pushed your muscles beyond their present capacity and have triggered your thousand-year-old evolutionary alarm system, you have done your job. Any further stress to the body will simply increase your recovery time, weaken the immune system and send your body into catabolic overdrive. 

Most people train way too often and with far more sets than they really need to. High-intensity weight training is much more stressful to the body than most people think. The majority of people structure their workout programs in a manner that actually hinders their gains and prevents them from making the progress that they deserve. Here are 3 basic guidelines that you should follow if you want to achieve maximum gains: 
1) Train no more than 3 days per week.
2) Do not let your workouts last for longer than 1 hour.
3) Perform 5-8 sets for large muscle groups (chest, back, thighs) and 2-4 sets for smaller muscle groups (shoulders, biceps, triceps, calves, abs). 
Take all sets to the point of muscular failure and focus on progressing in either weight or reps each week. If you truly train hard and are consistent, training more often or any longer than this will be counterproductive to your gains!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Seaplane and its History

Seaplane - Photo: Pixabay
As soon as the first plane was invented, it became the founding stone for the seaplane which took of for the first time in 1910.  The first seaplane the “Le Canard” flew for 800 meters in its first flight.  During the achievements of its era, it was considered monumental. Although the first flight of the Seaplane occurred in France, United States would soon follow after with the invention and production of its first seaplane in 19911 by Glenn Curtiss.  It was a monumental event for the United States as it signaled a beginning of an era that would mar a huge race in Aeronautics between Europe and the United States.

The word Seaplane was meant to symbolize two types of planes associated with the sea.  The type that is still used today is the floating plane or the hydroplane that we still see and use today.  In this type of a seaplane, the fuselage or the main body of the aircraft never touches the water but rather the landing gear touches the water.  Although this wasn’t common at the beginning, it soon became a worked out and accepted a model that can be still seen in service in smaller planes that needs to land on the water today.  The design of the hydroplane was also used to design aircraft that could land easily on aircraft carriers (which consequently made the United States the most powerful country in the world with the success of its aircraft carriers)

The second type of a Seaplane that was very popular in the 1920’s and 1930’s was the Flying Boat.  As the name suggests, it was a design that allowed the plane's fuselage to act as a boat when it landed on the sea or a body of water.  Hence, it was termed the Flying Boat due to its ability to land and take off from the water.  When a flying boat landed on the water, its main fuselage would sink by 15% into the water for a smooth landing and hence it would not use any landing gears.  This model of a seaplane termed the Flying Boat was very popular in the 20’s and 30’s and it was even used in the World War I very extensively.

IN time, seaplanes also became commercially feasible.  The world’s biggest airline PAN AM used seaplanes as its main carriers for a long time until Boeing Aircraft became popular.  Especially in the 20s and 30s, airports and airstrips were not very common due to lack of commercial investment.  Thus, seaplanes were the perfect aircraft so that they could be used to land in a body of water especially near coastlines.    

A special big sea/airfield was designed in Hawaii to accommodate transoceanic flights that would carry passengers by means of flying boats from Hawaii to Mainland.  By the advent of 1940’s the era of airplanes really began and the flying boats as a commercial plane were discontinued.  By the 1950’s with the advent of Boeing Aircraft, seaplanes had just become a part of a long forgotten legacy.  

So with the WWII, ended the era of the flying boat airline and mainly invented since airlines did not have long runways that could handle large planes. Aids to help in navigation were minimum, weather and other problem created problems for planes and the flying boat seemed to counter them quite effectively.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Japanese Chess Shogi

Shogi - Photo: Pxhere
In Japan, the most popular variant of chess is the Shogi. The game was transmitted from India to Korea and China before arriving in Japan. There are two distinguishing characteristics of Shogi, such as: the captured pieces can be utilized by the captor and played as the part of the captor’s forces and pawned can capture pieces normally, which is one square straight ahead.

History of the Game

It is believed that Shogi is derived from Chaturanga, which was played in Ancient India and eventually spread throughout Eurasia. It is still not clear when
Shogi was brought to Japan.

Several theories regarding the spread of Shogi showed that the game probably became popular during the 6th century. Back then, the pieces were not the current five-sided pieces but rather three-dimensional similar to the Chaturanga pieces.

One of the oldest documents specifying the existence of Shogi is the Kirinsho, which is a seven-volume work that contains descriptions of how to write characters for the pieces used in Shogi games. During the Heian period, the Shogi pieces used to consist of the king, silver general, gold general, lance, knight and pawn.

The Rules of Shogi

Technically, Shogi is won when the king is captured but there are also circumstances where the defeat is conceded when the mate becomes inevitable. As for the equipment of the game, the two players play on a board, which is composed of squares in a grid containing nine ranks by nine files. The squares are also not undifferentiated by color or marking.

The players have a set of twenty pieces, slightly different in sizes. The pieces include a rook, bishop, king, two pieces of gold generals, two silver generals, two lances, two knights and nine pieces of pawns.

The several names are chosen to correspond to their rough equivalents in international chess. Each of the pieces has its name written on its surface in the form of Japanese characters, called kanji. On the other side of the piece are one or two characters that when turned face up indicate promotion. The pieces controlled by the two players also do not differ in color; instead, they face forward, toward the opposing side.

For English-speaking players, the promoted bishops are referred to like horses, while promoted rooks as dragons. The characters on the other side of the pieces may also be in red ink, usually written in a cursive manner.

There are also rankings used in Shogi. These rankings are also used in karate, calligraphy and other arts in Japan.

For the placement of the pieces, the king is placed in the center file. The gold generals are adjacent to the king, while the silver ones are placed adjacent to the gold generals. The knights are located beside the two silver generals and the lances are situated in the corners. As for the second rank, the bishops are at the same file as the left knight, while the rook is in the same file as the knight located on the right.

Like other chess games, each player takes turns in moving pieces. The player who first captures the opponent’s king wins the game. However, this rarely happens in practice since most players will concede defeat when the loss is inevitable. More so, in amateur and professional games, any player who makes an illegal move loses automatically.

Monday, November 5, 2018

What You Must Know about Electric RC Cars

Photo: Flickr
If you are an amateur in the RC racing world, you might complain that it is pretty hard to choose the most suitable electric powered RC car that can serve as a worthy rival to other cars of the same type. Truly, you need some vital information before you push your purchase button.

Electric RC cars run on electric batteries that are made into battery packs. They are sold in two options – the 'ready to run' (rtr) and the built it yourself. If you know nothing about RC cars, it is best for you to choose the former. With it, you just have to turn it on and off it will go.

RC cars, which are fueled by battery packs are easy to purchase and maintain compared to the popular nitro RC cars. They are specially designed for beginners. Nonetheless, there are experienced RC car fanatics that use said cars for comparison and variety purposes.

One advantage of an electric RC car other than its user-friendly character is that it is inexpensive. The difference in price between a gasoline powered and an electric powered RC car may amount to a hundred dollars. Hence, if you are after practicality, and easily-operated and maintained RC's, go for a fast electric RC car.

How to Choose an Electric RC Car?

In choosing electric RC cars, you have to consider a lot of things – budget, capability, maintenance and condition of the RC car. Electric RC cars come at different prices. Choose the one that will not be heavy on your finances. 

There are electric RC car kits for both on-road and off-road performance. They come in varying sizes, styles, and colors. Manufacturers offer different electric RC car features. Better choose a car that suits your budget, needs, capabilities and desires. 

Also, 'ready to run' kits are ideal for amateurs. They are built with everything in it. No need to worry about the assembly and other parts. Servo, receiver, radio, motor, and the electronic speed control – it's all there in the package – no worries.

However, if building RC cars are your thing, you can purchase the build it yourself kit. You can make sure that the parts are in your kit or you can buy them separately.

Where to purchase?

Beginners can bank on reputable RC car shops. Seek advice from expert RC racers. For sure, they know the right track. If you want to buy online, be sure that you are transacting with a trustworthy pro. Online prices are usually lower. In addition, in online purchasing, you can choose from a wide variety of cars and parts. 

In buying, you must compare price and quality. Aside from that, you can also take advantage of discounts to reduce your expenses.

Tuning and Racing

Tuning is essential to achieve more speed or power. Moreover, it should be coupled with a proper break in to yield the best performance. The proper way of a break-in produces less heat and reduces premature wear and tear. To break-in, just run the motor with the wheels off the ground. Then, draw the radio control by ¼ of the way. This should be done for about five minutes. If you change the brushes, you also need to do the break-in. It is also necessary to replace the motor after 5 or more substitutions of brushes.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Quick Guide To The Greek Islands

Andros - Photo: Pixabay
Scattered between the coast of mainland Greece and the tip of Northern Africa, the Greek Islands have been popular holiday destinations for a wide range of holidaymakers.

Where are they?

The Greek Islands are dotted throughout the Aegean Sea, mainly off the south-east of mainland Greece. They come in many shapes, sizes and geographical varieties and the people that visit them are as varied as the islands themselves. Whilst you can move between the islands, most people choose to stay on just one for the duration of their holiday. The islands are traditionally divided into seven groups: Cyclades, Aegean, Dodecanese, Sporades, Ionian, Argosaronic Gulf and Crete which, as a single island, is the largest in the group.

Where can I stay?

Try a Greek Island holiday with a difference by choosing a boutique hotel. You can’t beat the individuality of these small, intimate hotels where detail is a primary consideration and the needs of the guest always come first. Try Elounda Gulf Villas and Suites on Crete, Katikies on Santorini and Ostraco Suites on Mykonos. These are all unique places to stay, offering the ultimate in quiet understated luxury.

What can I see?

For most people, the attraction of the Greek Islands is the beaches. The quality and size of the beaches vary from island to island, as does the level of development in the main resorts. The sheer number of islands means that you can usually find exactly what you’re looking for; whether it’s 24-hour entertainment or a quiet relaxing break. For those that want to explore the islands’ culture, there are plenty of historical buildings, traditional villages and museums to visit.

How do I get around?

You can get to some of the islands such as Mykonos and Santorini by air, but most of the other islands are reached by ferry from Athens. The ferries are regular and there are ticket operators at the harbors, so you can also use them to visit other islands during your stay. To get around an island, you can hire a car or a bike, or use the local bus system. There are no train services once you’re off the mainland. If you’re feeling especially adventurous, hire a sailing boat and navigate your own way around the islands.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Build ARM MUSCLE Today

La Fondinto :Israeli-born bodybuilder and mode...
Bodybuilder and model Sagi Kalev
(Photo credit: 
Build arm muscle is one of the most common goals of aspiring bodybuilders. There is no shortage of advice, either in books or on the internet, telling you how to do this. Here in this article, we will show you how to genuinely build arm muscle.

Tip 1
Train sensibly. Many people who are trying to build arm muscle make the mistake of over training. It is easily done, as the arms are used in so many different bodybuilding disciplines. One good way of ensuring you don't over stress your arms is to leave them until the very end of your workout routine.

Tip 2
If you want to build arm muscle effectively, you will want every single rep you perform to be as effective as possible. The goal is to get as many  muscle fibers involved as you can. If you can bring as many muscle fibers as you can into play, you will not only develop stronger muscles, they will be more even and have a better tone.

Tip 3
The correct extension of the weight is critical, but control is equally important, throughout the whole of the lift. The strongest determining factor here is the weight itself, so don't defeat yourself by using a weight which is too heavy. In order to make your exercises as effective as you can, make sure the lift is executed as quickly as possible, while you still have the weight under control. As you release the weight, try to do so as slowly as comfortably possible. If you can make this downward phase take at least two seconds, you will be burning a lot more fat.

Tip 4
One point which is often overlooked by beginning arm muscle builders is that there is more than one group of muscles, and you need to work them in a balanced way to achieve optimum results. So many bodybuilders who have not taken enough time to learn the craft properly concentrate solely on biceps, which will lead to an unnatural and uneven development, and may even lead to injury. Make sure you learn how to develop your triceps in harmony with your biceps, for optimum results. Don't risk the pain of a torn ligament!

If you have been struggling to gain results from your arm muscle exercises, take the advice of this article on board, and start seeing some real benefits. Check out the links below to discover some more valuable resources.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

A Peaceful Retreat on Catalina Island, California

Catalina Island - Photo: Pixabay
When life’s stresses and strains get too much for you, head over to Catalina Island and you’ll find a peaceful retreat that’s bound to have you relaxed in no time.  The island is only approximately 22 physical miles from the mainland, but in terms of lifestyle and sheer population, it’s a lifetime away.  With only 2 ports on the island, one into the main town of Avalon, and the other into the more secluded side of the island at Two Harbors, and only two ways onto the island, via the water or helicopter, there’s very little noise from vehicles.  Relatively few cars exist on the island and most visitors either get around on foot or bicycle.  

Despite being such a small island, there are things to do here on the days when you feel like doing something a little more energetic than watching the sun move around, and when you first arrive on Catalina Island you should visit the local Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau which will give you all the information you need about what’s on, where to find it, and of course ideas of where to stay and eat if you haven’t already made reservations.  In the peak months, however, you should always at least reserve your room before venturing across to the island.  Although you may be lucky to arrive and find a room free, it’s not likely during high season because of the limited amount of accommodation available.  

Two of the most popular places to visit on Catalina Island are the Catalina Island Museum which charts the history of the island through its various stages from the more recent history through the Hollywood era (the island was one of the first main Hollywood film sets) right back to the Native Americans.   Just about 2 miles out of Avalon you’ll find the Wrigley Botanical Gardens which will delight anyone who has an interest in flora and fauna.  William Wrigley (as in the chewing gum empire) once owned the island and you could even stay in his mansion which is now converted into a bed and breakfast establishment.

Catalina Island may not sound very exciting when compared with the attractions of Los Angeles and San Francisco, but for anyone needing to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, it’s a perfect beach oasis. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Benefits Of HORSE Boarding

English: A horse inside a box stall, checking ...
A horse inside a box stall, checking out his new digs (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Looking after horses requires significant costs and management that must be performed daily for both boards and keeping animals in a home environment. Horse boarding delivers a number of benefits to ensure that care is offered on an ongoing basis in a clean and functional stable. It is important to look into the facilities that are available and to ensure that the best possible selection is made for the best outcome.

A board is an independent stable that has been created to provide horses with shelter and care through the day and night. The full board includes a stall for the animal where exercise will be provided for a number of hours during the day. Management must be contacted to determine the regularity of feeds and the supplements that will be made available for the specific health needs of equines.

The animals can remain within a rough board that will include a large field where horses are able to roam through the day. Horses can be placed in a secure pasture where there is access to protection and shelter from the harsh sunlight, rain, and wind through the different seasons of the year. Equines must be provided with the necessary protection and care that will provide comfort and prevent against harmful results.

The staff will discuss options for food including possible health requirements that will need to be met for specific equine needs. It is important to determine whether staff will be available on a regular basis to ensure that the health needs of animals are assessed and possible problems detected. Where an emergency should occur, it requires that individuals are equipped to alert one of such circumstances.

The benefits of a board include professional monitoring and shelter provided for horses on a 24-hour basis. The staff members will be able to feed equines a balanced diet including a mixture of grains and supplements to support healthy function and growth. If special diets are required, it must be discussed with the barn owner to ensure that your horse is receiving the nutrition that it needs.

The correct levels of supervision can be provided for horses that will prevent against improper care of equines. All equine owners are advised on the methods that should be put in place including consultation with a barn manager that will provide peace of mind that equines are properly taken care of. In the search for a suitable stable facility, all equine requirements can be tended to.

In cases of emergency, it is important that the board make staff available to address the particular needs of equines. The performance of a vet assessment can aid in ensuring that the appropriate equine exam is completed and that a professional is able to tend to the animal when owners cannot make an appointment. It is important that such services are delivered on an ongoing basis for the wellness of equines.

Having to clear stalls on a daily basis involves a significant amount of labour and is a time-consuming process. It is important that boards implement cleaning methods including water and feed daily. All equines can be well taken care of with a reputable and reliable boarding facility.

    Author: Toni Vang            

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Eyepieces for Telescopes

Okulare - Eyepieces - Photo: Wikipedia
Beginner astronomers need to be careful with these items as they tend to go way overboard.  There are various designs and different lenses for different viewings.  You need to figure out what you will be looking at and go from there.  You may need two to three different eyepieces, but no more than that.  Here is a simple guide to the different eyepieces and cost involved.

The most popular is the Plossl.  It uses four to five elements and has a wider field of view than Orthoscopic lenses.  It usually ranges from 50-52 degrees.  They run between $50-$150.

For general use, the Orthoscopic lenses were considered the best.  They use four elements and are good for planetary viewing.  They have a 45-degree field of view.  They run between $40-$100.

The Kellner is a general purpose lens.  It has a three element design and a 40-45 degree field of view.  They run between $30-$50.

The Ramsden and Huygenian are good solar lenses.  They have two element designs.  They are supplied with the least expensive telescopes and have very narrow fields of view.  They cost between $25-$40.

Barlow lenses are a great piece to have.  They can double or triple the magnification of your eyepiece.  They run between $60-$100.

Erfles are not as favorable today.  They use six elements and a 60-65 degree field of view.  They run between $75-$150.

Televue has come out with some designs for eyepieces.  The six element Panoptic has a 67-degree field of view.  It runs between $200-$400.  The other is a seven to eight element Naglers.  This lens has an 82-degree field of view and runs between $175-$425.

Pentax also makes a seven element lens, the SMC-XL, that runs around $250 each.  It is thought that these exceed what the Televues can do.

(Article around the year 2007)

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Success of GENEALOGY Research Lies on DNA TESTINGS

The structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ...
The structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),
the picture shows the monomers being
put together.
(Photo credit: 
There are about 60,000 billion cells found in the human body. It includes muscle cells, cheek cells, and white blood cells. Each cell contains the whole genetic information which is the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The nucleus inside the cell holds the DNA or chromosomal DNA that consists of Y chromosomal DNA, X chromosomal DNA, and autosomal DNA. The external part of the nucleus holds mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The autosomal DNA comes from both the mother and the father, Y chromosomes are inherited by a son from his father, and mtDNA comes from the mother only.
There are advancements made in testing DNA to meet various areas of interests. For example, the most common uses of DNA are related to finding criminals and proving paternity. But today, genealogy research also uses DNA testing.

For so many years, genealogy has become an important element of society and a favorite hobby of some enthusiasts. Although this is more rewarding, somehow it brings frustrations even to expert genealogists. It can be very time consuming when doing paper research. More often, it can lead to illegible and damaged documents. But, DNA testing provides quick results without questioning its authenticity or quality. Moreover, the genetic genealogy results can endure the tests of time.

1. Mitochondrial testing is utilized for tracing the maternal heritage of a person. The mtDNA testing is very important since genealogists are mostly females. When they marry, maternal lines are often lost because of changing their surnames. In this manner, they can learn and trace their maternal ancestry.

There are advances made in understanding genetics and using laboratory techniques in helping a person to identify maternal lineage through mtDNA tracing services. The distinct mtDNA of person is analyzed and compared to the databases of other samples of mtDNA worldwide, revealing information about the lost ancestry.  

The mtDNA remains nearly unchanged even for so many years. You can share the same type of mtDNA with your mother, maternal grandmother, and maternal great-grandmother. The same exact mtDNA code can track your direct maternal lineage way back from the time where mtDNA code's natural mutation occurred.

Women who are living today can trace their origins 150 thousand years ago through natural mutations or mitochondrial eve.  In connection with matrilineal descent, eve is the common ancestor. But it doesn't necessarily imply that eve is the only woman who lived in that era. There were also other women alive but only the lineage of eve has survived.

2. Y chromosomal DNA testing is the most commonly used form of genetic genealogy testing. Some people can even trace if a deceased man is related to them by conducting this test.

Like mtDNA, Y chromosomes can be also traced back from one prehistoric father, Adam. The DNA mutation of the first Y chromosomes naturally occurs over many generations. Determining the present Y chromosomes can trace your paternal lineage through searching the Y database worldwide.

Moreover, genealogists can find out if two people are related because they have similar surnames through Y chromosomes testing. It is not impossible since, in most cultures, surnames or family names are inherited by children from their fathers like the Y chromosomal DNA.

A successful genealogy research lies on DNA testing because its usefulness is proven as time has passed by.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Beginner's Guide to Basic Kayaking Equipment

Photo: Pxhere
There isn't a lot of equipment required for kayaking. A kayak and paddle, life jacket, helmet and spray skirt are the recommend basics.

Kayaks for surfing and doing tricks are called playboats. Kayaks for rocky rivers are called creek boats. Traditional river kayaks offer a quick ride and stability. Most kayaking beginners start with the traditional river kayak.

One kayak does not fit all. The size and shape of the kayak are based on the user's height, weight, and the type of water the kayak will be used in. Kayak dealers usually stock demo or demonstration kayaks available for test boating. This allows kayakers to try before they buy. 

Used kayaks cost considerably less than new. Good used kayaks can often be found in the classifieds, online auctions and similar venues.

Finding the right paddle involves getting the length, weight, material and blade shape into consideration, along with the user's height, torso size and paddling style. Tall people, those with long torsos and paddlers who like a slow ride will require longer paddles. Shorter people or those with short torsos and paddlers who like to paddle fast and get the job done will benefit from shorter paddles.

Kayaking paddle materials include wood, fiberglass, carbon fiber and aluminum shafts with plastic blades. The aluminum shaft paddles are a good choice for beginners. 

Many kayakers are already into other water sports and own a life jacket (also known as a personal flotation device). These can be purchased at many discount stores, sporting goods stores and boating equipment stores in addition to online stores and auctions.

Life jackets, also known as personal flotation devices (PFD) are required by law. Choose a PFD rated for the type of kayaking involved. Type III PFD's tend to be the most comfortable for paddling. 

Kayaking helmets should be good quality and fit well. Like other sporting gear, helmets have evolved and now are as much about fashion as function. Users can shop for functional, protective headgear or for functional and fashionable helmets in a wide variety of designs, colors and styles.

Spray skirts are used to seal the cockpit during kayaking and keep water out of the inside of the kayak and keep the kayaker dry. Different types of kayaking require different skirt styles. Whitewater spray skirts are usually made of neoprene. Touring and recreational spray skirts are often made of nylon. Sea kayaking skirt styles may include both neoprene and nylon.

All kayaking spray skirts feature a grab loop. This loop allows the boater to break the seal quickly if necessary. Skirt 
designs include cords for boat attachment, pockets, and adjustable suspenders and waistbands.

Since the spray skirt fits around the wearer's waist, waist circumference is the general standard of sizing. Kayak cockpit size may also apply.

Optional kayaking gear includes a dry bag, a dry top and a spray jacket. The small dry bag is good for protecting and storing snacks and other small items. A dry top is a waterproof jacket good for cold water paddling. Spray jackets are waterproof and available in long or short sleeve styles.

Kayaking gives boaters an opportunity to explore waterways for fun and for relaxation. The size and light weight of kayaks make maneuvering them easy for individuals. Kayaking doesn't require a lot of equipment and doesn't have to be expensive. Most beginners can quickly master the basics but kayaking is a continual learning experience.