Sunday, May 31, 2020

How To Choose The Proper BICYCLE

A hardtail mountain bike.
A hardtail mountain bike.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many different types and styles of bicycles. You will need to decide on the type of biking you will be predominantly doing in order to help you narrow down your choices. Below are just some of the types of bicycles available on the market today.

The first bicycle we will mention here is what are considered by some to be comfort bicycles. These are the type used by most weekend recreational bike riders. They usually have a comfortable shock-absorbing seat and shock absorbing front forks and wide pedals.

Another type of bike which is a bit more rugged than the comfort bike is a trail bike or light duty mountain bike. These bikes can take a bit more rough stuff than the bikes mentioned above but are not meant for serious mountain biking.

Touring bicycles are for those who go long distances and faster than recreational bike riders. These bikes are built for riding on the pavement. They are lightweight bikes with more shock absorbency than comfort bikes.

Cruiser bikes are heavier than the comfort bikes with fatter tires. They are good for the road or riding in the sand.

A true mountain bike has a stronger frame and components than any other bike as they are intended for off-road and rugged terrain. The tires on a mountain bike are knobby and wide for more shock support. The seat and handlebars are positioned to allow for the rider to lean over while maneuvering the bike.

Recumbent bicycles are becoming very popular with older riders and those who have some limits in physical ability. The rider reclines while pedaling in a feet-forward position. The seat is much more comfortable than on any other bicycle. Recumbent bikes sit low to the ground and have multiple gears.

Talk with family and friends who own bikes to get their opinion on what may be the best investment for you. If you don't think that you'll stick with bike riding long term and if you don't plan to do more than weekend riding you don't need to spend a fortune. Visit several bicycle shops and talk with the pros before making a decision. You can get many years of enjoyment if you choose the right bike for you.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence draft (detail with changes by Franklin) - Wikimedia
If you had to think of one document other than the Bible that people can most easily quote almost without thinking about it, that one document would be the Declaration of Independence.  The comparison to the Bible is apt.  Not that the Declaration of Independence is holy in a religious sense of the word.  But it has a place of reverence in the hearts of the American people and in the history of the founding of this great nation.

While not the first words of the Declaration of Independence, these stirring words have that kind of prophetic power that anyone who hears them in immediately inspired by the beauty, the poetry, and the deep truths that were so beautifully expressed in that historic document.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

This one statement from that famous declaration so beautifully demonstrates some core principles that show why this document has such a deep impact on the American mind and heart.  The statement that the truths in this document were indeed truths is a profound statement in its own right.  The Declaration of Independence does that suggest that what is being declared in those pages are theories, possibilities, even political ideology.  These are truths that put them on the same value as statements of values as often taught in a religious setting.  Truths are eternal values and values that are not changed by circumstances, by whomever or whatever is handling the government of the land or by the whim of lawmakers.  These truths exist above those temporal earthly ideas and live on that plain of the eternal.  

“Self-evident” is a powerful phrase and it reflects on the founder’s belief in what was called natural law.  Natural law is the belief system that there are laws that are part of our natural state of existence and that they cannot be taken away (inalienable).  These laws are our rights as creations of the almighty and any government system must recognize these laws because they are above government.  It is a basic belief system of the American system that ALL people are entitled to these rights and that they cannot be taken away.

The mention of a creator in the declaration of independence is very important because there are those who would maintain that the separation of church and state tells us that the government is at heart a secular institution.  Clearly the founders did not lay the foundation of our country on that groundwork.  They saw the inheritance we as Americans have in our rights and freedoms to be part of our legacy from God and as such, above the government and something the government must back off and leave alone as well as prettiest and defend.

The Declaration of Independence is truly an amazing document especially when you consider the “primitive” state of the nation when it was written by Thomas Jefferson and signed on July 2, 1776 to become the backbone of our American system of government.  It became an often referenced and quoted document, even becoming a part of President Lincoln’s famous inaugural speech when he said with such deep conviction…

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

Because these words are such a deep part of our American heritage, American history, and the American spirit, they are often a crucial center part of any study of history in the schools in this country.  That is why school children in every state are so familiar with these words.  

But it would do us all well to take some time once a year or so and take our copy of the Declaration of Independence and read it either as a private moment of reflection nor with our families.  What a wonderful fourth of July tradition that would make.  Then as you watch the fireworks celebrating the birth of the country and its independence, you will have those words fresh in your heart to remind you that it was our creator that gave us our freedoms and independence and nobody has the right to ever take them away.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Finding The Perfect USED BOAT

Finding the perfect Arizona classified ad with the perfect boat for you, especially if you are a first-time boater, may seem like a very difficult task to accomplish.  To help you in your quest for the perfect boat, there are a few things you should know.

Deciding what is important Choosing the right boat is more than just locating one for sale on one of the many Arizona online classified ad sites, like Really, it's all about knowing what is truly important to you.  You will need to decide whether you will be using the boat for your own private use, fishing, or cruising.  You should also consider your family's wishes and feelings, since buying a boat for your own personal needs without consulting your family will probably lead to disappointing experiences or less time spent on the water.

Typically, boats will fall into five categories which are fishing boats, powerboats, sailboats, personal watercraft, and self-powered boats.  To help you find the perfect boat, well take a look at some of the features that each one offers.

The designs for fishing boats will vary quite a bit, as are the places you can use them.  The boats that are meant for shallow waters of inland lakes and rivers are not the same boats meant for deep seas and great lakes.  There are many different designs, even boats that serve no other purpose besides fishing.

These types of boats normally have stowage and holders for bait, fishing poles, tackle, and even special tanks to hold live fish.  Other types of fishing only boats feature an open platform where anglers can fight fish from all sides of the boat.

Powerboats are the most popular boats sold.  The designs on and of powerboats are as varied as their uses.  Boats with seating in the front are called bowriders, which are mainly used for towing skiers or rafts.  Most boats can also be used for fishing as well.  If you want to do both, there are ski and fish combinations available.

When you first learn to pilot a sailboat, it can be very challenging, although very rewarding as well.  A sailboat requires more skill and knowledge to operate than some other types of boats, although they are also considered more rewarding once mastered.

With all available sailboats, the single-masted sloop is the most popular design.  For those who only boat on occasion, catboats, daysailers, and dinghies are small and easily trailer able.

When you finally decide on the perfect boat for you, look at what each one offers and how you plan to use it.  The perfect boat for you is out there, all you have do is find the one that best matches your needs, and an online Arizona classified ad site is the best place to start.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

History of Cement and Cement Mixers

Cement Mixer - Wikimedia
Cement mixers are a way of carrying and mixing cement while you are working to repair a foundation, sidewalk, or building a mold. Cement is mostly known to be made out of asphalt, which stands for secure in the ancient Greek language.

Cement is a mixture of several different types of materials. This includes sand, limestone, and asphalt. Asphalt and cement were found to be used beginning in 625 BC in Babylon as well as in Greece. The idea of this secure foundation was lost for centuries and began to be experimented with beginning in the 1500s. After much exploration, European’s found that this type of material was being used in Venezuela. They took the idea and began to use cement for re-caulking ships.

Road building using cement became popular in America in the middle of the 1800s. This was part of the revolution that began with the industrial age.  Cement was first taken from natural resources, such as the lakes that were in Trinidad. However, by the beginning of the 1900s, the mixture for roads and pavement began to be a mixture of several different types of rocks.

Cement mixers first became popular in the 1920s, when automobiles started to become popular. Mixers were first seen as trays that were heated over coal fires. Aggregate was dried in this tray than asphalt would be poured on top of it. This mix was then stirred by hand. Drums were soon after invented to be used, and soon wheels were added in order to make it easier for the building of roadways and sidewalks. These were known as floating screeds and were popular until the 1960s.

By the 1970s, these types of construction were becoming a concern with the environment. This caused even better technology to be produced in relation to cement mixers. The mixtures that are being used now have an increased improvement with the mixture, allowing for less noise, skid resistance, and weather resistance.

Because of the ability to use the cement mixer in relation to the types of roads and sidewalks that are being built, it is allowing for greater roadways and sidewalks. It has also caused the major modes of transportation to be supported by this type of rock. More than ninety-four percent of the ground that is used for transportation is made out of cement. The cement mixer plays an important role in making sure that this secure surface is made.

Friday, May 8, 2020

WALKING With Walking Aids

A walker in the folded position.
A walker in the folded position.
(Photo credit: 
For individuals with a disability, walking aids can help change their lives. These simple mobility walking aids can give them back the independence and mobility that they lost. In times when you want to get out of your wheelchair for a little exercise, walking aids can be used. Walking aids are likewise ideal when visiting a place that is not accessible by wheelchair.

Any disabled person who wishes to remain active and independent can gain a great deal by using walking aids. By having walking support, many are able to continue with many or more activities that they enjoy doing. Walking aids are also important to enhance safety when pain, balance, and fatigue are factors.

There are several types of walking aids such as canes, crutches, walkers, and rollators. These walking aids are fairly portable and lightweight. Canes come in various styles. Single-point canes offer some stability while quad canes give a more sturdy footing. If you intend to use the cane for the long term, it is better to purchase quad canes. Crutches are also available in several varieties. It is important though to pay attention to the height restrictions when purchasing a crutch. Walkers are suitable for persons who are easily fatigued or have poor balance. If the walker is not properly sized, you may have trouble moving it around. That is why it is important to carefully choose the walking aid that you will use.

Basically, the type of walking aid that you choose will depend largely on your disability and stamina. You may be able to use a walker but not a cane or crutch. You need to consider several factors before using your cane, walker, or crutches such as your body strength, fit, comfort, and body balance, and travel needs. It is important to learn how to safely use the walking aid when buying it or you might end up hurting yourself. Make sure that you have to right reasons for buying the walking aid. Don’t just go out and buy one and start using it. Perhaps it is a good idea to consult your doctor before deciding which walking aid to use.

Permanently disabled individuals are not the only persons who can use walking aids. Temporarily injured individuals often use walking aids during the rehabilitation process and physiotherapy. Most walking aids are adjustable to suit your height. They are also built to handle a certain weight capacity. When it comes to staying in style there are a lot of choices when it comes to size, shape, design, colors, and materials. So don’t buy anything you are not satisfied with. When it comes to walking and mobility, comfort is the most important.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Getting that First Batch of BEER BREWING

English: Pabst Malt Extract - 1897
Pabst Malt Extract - 1897  - (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Beer is such a popular beverage because it has such a deep earthy flavor and because the variety of flavors, brands, colors and textures of beers is so diverse that you can explore a new brew each and every time you want a beer and never get bored. And yet most of us pretty much settle on one taste and stick with it. That is until we discover brewpubs. That is when our eyes are opened to the idea that we don’t have to depend on Budweiser and Miller for good beer. It can be made right at home.

Some of the finest beers you could hope to taste are not made in the big commercial factories but in small brewpubs all around the country. So if you have discovered some particularly flavorful home-brewed beers, it isn't long before you might decide to take a stab at brewing a batch yourself. Be careful because once you start experimenting with brewing your own beer, you may become hooked into an addictive hobby that will provide hours of fun as you tinker with your recipes, get new and better equipment and become a true beer expert in brewing your own custom blends for the best-flavored beer.

But it all starts with that very first batch. You might approach that moment when you decide to make your first batch of beer with some fear and trembling. But keep your spirit of adventure and experimentation because, after all, if you bought good equipment, you will get the hang of it. As the wise man said, that the journey of a hundred miles begins with the first step. So too your journey toward becoming a master brewer starts with your first batch.

The process of brewing that first batch is pretty simple actually. Here are the steps to go through to get your first brew underway.

. Gather the ingredients to have them on hand as you step through the brewing process. You don’t' want to have to stop and go dig something up so have them ready to go when they are added in as the brewing process is underway.

. It all starts with water. One gallon of good water will do. You don't need specialty water as tap water in most areas of the country does well due to a good combination of minerals that actually makes the beer taste better. So get a gallon of water boiling in a large pot capable of holding 2-3 gallons of water. You need that extra space for adding ingredients.

. The first ingredient to add to the boiling water is the brewing yeast that you bought just for this purpose. The yeast will have specific instructions but in essence, you will mix the yeast with piping hot tap water and stir it in a separate pot or pan until it becomes a thick paste.

. You can prepare the yeast while the water boils and when it's ready, add the mixture to the water.

. Once the yeast is mixed in well, add the malt extract that you bought for this brewing process. Make sure the malt is mixed in well and dissolved before moving on.

. Hops will come as pellets when you bought them from the supplier so add them when the water is boiling again and allow the entire mixture to boil for another five minutes.

. During this preparation time, get your fermenting equipment sanitized and ready to go. As the brewing process approaches completion, fill the fermenter about three-quarters full with cold water from the tap.

. The strong beer you have boiled is called the "wort" which is now ready for fermenting. Pour the hot wort into the cold water in the fermenter. What you are looking for is an end result of five gallons of the mixture in the fermenter so if you don't find you are at that level, add more water.

The brewing process is done and you can follow the directions for fermenting that are provided with the equipment or that you learn from other resources about the fine art of fermenting beer. Now it's just a matter of letting nature do what it does to ferment your beer. Enjoy the anticipation as you allow the fermenting to continue and then enjoy the flavor of your very own first batch of home-brewed beer.

Monday, April 27, 2020


View of the corrector and primary mirror of a ...
View of the corrector and primary mirror of a commercial Schmidt-Cassegrain.
 (Photo credit: 
Buying the right telescope to take your love of astronomy to the next level is a big next step in the development of your passion for the stars.  In many ways, it is a big step from someone who is just fooling around with astronomy to a serious student of the science.  But you and I both know that there is still another big step after buying a telescope before you really know how to use it.

So it is critically important that you get just the right telescope for where you are and what your star gazing preferences are.  To start with, let’s discuss the three major kinds of telescopes and then lay down some “Telescope 101” concepts to increase your chances that you will buy the right thing.

The three primary types of telescopes that the amateur astronomer might buy are the Refractor, the Reflector and the Schmidt Cassegrain telescope.  The first two are named for the kind of lens that is used.  It is pretty easy to see that the lens is the heart of the telescope so the kind that you will use will determine the success of your use of that telescope.

The refractor lens is the simplest because it uses a convex lens to focus the light on the eyepiece.  So the lens bends outwards for this purpose.  The refractor telescope’s strength is in viewing planets.  The reflector’s strength is in seeing more distant objects and the lens is concave or bends in.  It uses mirrors to focus on the image that you eventually see.  The final type, the Schmidt Cassegrain telescope is the most complex and accomplishes the goals of both but it uses an involved system of mirrors to capture the image you want to see.

So to select just the right kind of telescope, your objectives in using the telescope are important.  To really understand the strengths and weaknesses not only of the lenses and telescope design but also in how the telescope performs in various star gazing situations, it is best to do some homework upfront and get exposure to the different kinds.  So before you make your first purchase…

* Above all, establish a relationship with a reputable telescope shop that employs people who know their stuff.  If you buy your telescope at a Wal-Mart or department store, the odds you will get the right thing are remote.

* Pick the brains of the experts.  If you are not already active in an astronomy society or club, the salespeople at the telescope store will be able to guide you to the active societies in your area.  Once you have connections with people who have bought telescopes, you can get advice about what works and what to avoid that is more valid than anything you will get from a web article or a salesperson at Wal-Mart.

* Try before you buy.  This is another advantage of going on some field trips with the astronomy club.  You can set aside some quality hours with people who know telescopes and have their rigs set up to examine their equipment, learn the key technical aspects, and try them out before you sink money in your own setup.

There are other considerations to factor into your final purchase decision.  How mobile must your telescope be?  The tripod or other accessory decisions will change significantly with a telescope that will live on your deck versus one that you plan to take to many remote locations.  Along those lines, how difficult is the setup and break down?  How complex is the telescope and will you have trouble with maintenance?  Network to get the answers to these and other questions.  If you do your homework like this, you will find just the right telescope for this next big step in the evolution of your passion for astronomy.